I can get up | On the right side of the bed | But that won't stop the rain | From coming down on my head | I can live my life | Playing hide and seek | But when I look inside | It's hard to make believe ... - Cyndi Lauper
Friday, August 17, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Another two weeks without blogging... shame, shame... but the good thing is, most of my friends have pretty much neglected their blogs as well. So I don't feel so bad.. :o)
My reasons for not blogging? Two words... well, maybe one, depending on how you look at it... facebook.
Facebook has consumed my spare time. Stuffed if I know how it manages to do that, since there isn't a lot you can do there... strange how a half hour can turn into hours and hours... I have even started using it at work - like I really have time to add facebook to my daily work schedule...
Oh, in case you have facebook but haven't added me as your friend yet... Add me! :o)
So anyway, my buddy Adam came over Friday night. We don't get to catch up very often. Turned into a booze-fest (Well duh!) Many many beers, late night oven baked chicken & chips... and a load of music & talking and squealing and stuff, we crashed. Why can't I ever make it a whole night anymore... Good times anyway...

Saturday morning, woke up not feeling too hung over (surprisingly) and I forgot the aerial guy was coming. As you might know, we have been without commercial television since we moved in to this apartment... we plugged in an old telly in the first week while waiting for my stuff to arrive from Sydney, and we couldn't get any reception in the living room - but we cold in my room. So, obviously there is something wrong with the aerial connection in the living room right? WRONG...
The aerial guy arrives, Adam leaves... silly boy - with a hot tradesman in the house, who would just leave like that, huh? He was hot. Looked Italian / Spanish / something dark and exotic anyway, dark hair, short, tight bod, lunchy, nice...
Anyway, so he tests the two connections in the apartment and says "There's nothing wrong with either connection. They work fine..."
Huh? What the..?
"Sorry mate, it's all working... but since there is nothing wrong, I can't bill the real estate - you are gonna have to pay - $80"
Huh? What the..?
So I thought, since I have to pay him anyway... I best be putting him to good use.
Now in my own personal Bel Ami Land, this is where I would really put him to good use. But no. That's not how things happen in real life. (Of course, I wouldn't have hesitated if the opportunity presented itself...) I sat him down, played my Paris card and got him to completely tune my TV, analogue and digital, and DVD recorder - everything. The man's fingers worked very hard for the money, believe you me. He was a master - magical fingers, touching every button, making everything happen, if I smoked I may very well have lit a cigarette afterwards. He was amazing.
So afterwards, paid him his money and sent him packing. Really wasn't far off the real thing then was it...
Sunday I met Moto in the city. Moto is new to Melbourne like me. Well, I'm not really new any more, 8 months now. But still feel a bit green. Moto has been in Melbourne 4 months. So I took him to one of my favourite places in the city, Ca de Vin. Nice place in the laneway between GPO & Myer on Bourke St Mall. So we sat there polished off a few bottles of Pinot Noir and talked. And talked. And talked. Left there 5 hours later feeling rather uncoordinated. Being a Sunday evening, with work the next day, best option was to jump on a tram and head home, right? No. We wandered back to his place (he lives in CBD) via a bottle shop and grabbed another couple of bottles.
Staggered out into the street sometime around 9 (I think!) and jumped in a cab. I flirted uninhibitedly with my married cab driver. The shame of it all... but he was certainly very receptive, so I don't feel too bad about it!
Staggered inside, and Dom offers me... another wine... aiya...
I end up a pathetic mess. Pass out.
"Hi, my name is Brad, and I'm an alcoholic."
Monday morning. Oh - My - God... I was so ill. I was so ill I could hardly walk. I struggled to get dressed. I staggered out to my tram. I had to get off the tram twice on the way to the city, thinking I was gonna be sick. I wasn't. But it felt like it many times.
Made it to the city, changed trams to head up Bourke St - buggered if I was gonna walk it today... Half way up, I started to shake. Not a light shiver... but a near on fit kind of shake... my whole body shook, went all numb, like pins and needles. sweat. Oh - My - God...
Managed to make it to work. Crawled to my desk. I was green. I couldn't work. I couldn't even speak. It wasn't until lunch time that I was stable enough to actually do any work. Prior to that it was "Ring, ring.. - Can someone get that?" "No I can't help you right now, I can't even help myself right now. Come back later..."
Boys & Girls - The moral of the story? Don't drink so much on a Sunday night when you have to work the next day? No. Have the guts to call in sick when you do drink too much on a Sunday night.
Good times...
Oh, and in case you are wondering what the title means... well, I couldn't think of a title, and as was pointed out to me, 42 is the Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything. So 42 it is...
My reasons for not blogging? Two words... well, maybe one, depending on how you look at it... facebook.
Facebook has consumed my spare time. Stuffed if I know how it manages to do that, since there isn't a lot you can do there... strange how a half hour can turn into hours and hours... I have even started using it at work - like I really have time to add facebook to my daily work schedule...
Oh, in case you have facebook but haven't added me as your friend yet... Add me! :o)
So anyway, my buddy Adam came over Friday night. We don't get to catch up very often. Turned into a booze-fest (Well duh!) Many many beers, late night oven baked chicken & chips... and a load of music & talking and squealing and stuff, we crashed. Why can't I ever make it a whole night anymore... Good times anyway...

Saturday morning, woke up not feeling too hung over (surprisingly) and I forgot the aerial guy was coming. As you might know, we have been without commercial television since we moved in to this apartment... we plugged in an old telly in the first week while waiting for my stuff to arrive from Sydney, and we couldn't get any reception in the living room - but we cold in my room. So, obviously there is something wrong with the aerial connection in the living room right? WRONG...
The aerial guy arrives, Adam leaves... silly boy - with a hot tradesman in the house, who would just leave like that, huh? He was hot. Looked Italian / Spanish / something dark and exotic anyway, dark hair, short, tight bod, lunchy, nice...
Anyway, so he tests the two connections in the apartment and says "There's nothing wrong with either connection. They work fine..."
Huh? What the..?
"Sorry mate, it's all working... but since there is nothing wrong, I can't bill the real estate - you are gonna have to pay - $80"
Huh? What the..?
So I thought, since I have to pay him anyway... I best be putting him to good use.
Now in my own personal Bel Ami Land, this is where I would really put him to good use. But no. That's not how things happen in real life. (Of course, I wouldn't have hesitated if the opportunity presented itself...) I sat him down, played my Paris card and got him to completely tune my TV, analogue and digital, and DVD recorder - everything. The man's fingers worked very hard for the money, believe you me. He was a master - magical fingers, touching every button, making everything happen, if I smoked I may very well have lit a cigarette afterwards. He was amazing.
So afterwards, paid him his money and sent him packing. Really wasn't far off the real thing then was it...
Sunday I met Moto in the city. Moto is new to Melbourne like me. Well, I'm not really new any more, 8 months now. But still feel a bit green. Moto has been in Melbourne 4 months. So I took him to one of my favourite places in the city, Ca de Vin. Nice place in the laneway between GPO & Myer on Bourke St Mall. So we sat there polished off a few bottles of Pinot Noir and talked. And talked. And talked. Left there 5 hours later feeling rather uncoordinated. Being a Sunday evening, with work the next day, best option was to jump on a tram and head home, right? No. We wandered back to his place (he lives in CBD) via a bottle shop and grabbed another couple of bottles.
Staggered out into the street sometime around 9 (I think!) and jumped in a cab. I flirted uninhibitedly with my married cab driver. The shame of it all... but he was certainly very receptive, so I don't feel too bad about it!
Staggered inside, and Dom offers me... another wine... aiya...
I end up a pathetic mess. Pass out.
"Hi, my name is Brad, and I'm an alcoholic."
Monday morning. Oh - My - God... I was so ill. I was so ill I could hardly walk. I struggled to get dressed. I staggered out to my tram. I had to get off the tram twice on the way to the city, thinking I was gonna be sick. I wasn't. But it felt like it many times.
Made it to the city, changed trams to head up Bourke St - buggered if I was gonna walk it today... Half way up, I started to shake. Not a light shiver... but a near on fit kind of shake... my whole body shook, went all numb, like pins and needles. sweat. Oh - My - God...
Managed to make it to work. Crawled to my desk. I was green. I couldn't work. I couldn't even speak. It wasn't until lunch time that I was stable enough to actually do any work. Prior to that it was "Ring, ring.. - Can someone get that?" "No I can't help you right now, I can't even help myself right now. Come back later..."
Boys & Girls - The moral of the story? Don't drink so much on a Sunday night when you have to work the next day? No. Have the guts to call in sick when you do drink too much on a Sunday night.
Good times...
Oh, and in case you are wondering what the title means... well, I couldn't think of a title, and as was pointed out to me, 42 is the Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything. So 42 it is...

Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday night went to the Christina concert with Shellie & Joe! Yay! Lucky enough to not have tickets for Saturday or Monday...
Concert was great. It was fun, plenty to see, but was missing something. It was probably that she was sick and didn't really have the energy, who knows. Don't get me wrong, considering she had a fever, was coughing, and 4 months pregnant, I think she did a bloody awesome job...
Didn't really get many decent pics, but thought I would post what I had for those who didnt make it... (You had your chance mister! You know who you are...)

Concert was great. It was fun, plenty to see, but was missing something. It was probably that she was sick and didn't really have the energy, who knows. Don't get me wrong, considering she had a fever, was coughing, and 4 months pregnant, I think she did a bloody awesome job...
Didn't really get many decent pics, but thought I would post what I had for those who didnt make it... (You had your chance mister! You know who you are...)

Sunday, July 29, 2007
1 down...
It's been 12 months since I started Blogging. I never thought I could keep this up for so long, but here I am. Of course it isn't always interesting, it isn't always funny - well, rarely either... I guess it was meant to be. It is just a place for me to dump my thoughts, and let my friends know what I have been up to. The fact that I have managed to continue for a year is pretty good going.
The reason I started blogging in the first place was also 12 months ago on July 24.
So is this an opportunity to look back on the last year? I think not.
It's all looking forward from here on in.
Happy anniversary people...
The reason I started blogging in the first place was also 12 months ago on July 24.
So is this an opportunity to look back on the last year? I think not.
It's all looking forward from here on in.
Happy anniversary people...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Don't you know...
If you see me walking down the street
And I start to cry each time we meet
Walk on by, walk on by
Make believe
that you don't see the tears
Just let me grieve
in private 'cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
And walk on by....
I just can't get over losing you
And so if I seem broken and blue
Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by
and walk on by
and walk by....
Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by....
and walk on by....
and walk by....
And I start to cry each time we meet
Walk on by, walk on by
Make believe
that you don't see the tears
Just let me grieve
in private 'cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
And walk on by....
I just can't get over losing you
And so if I seem broken and blue
Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by
and walk on by
and walk by....
Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by....
and walk on by....
and walk by....
Monday, July 23, 2007
Another jug of Stella thanks...
Mum, Russ, Ange & Vickie came in to visit me yesterday. We all went to ETs on High Street. Parma & Beer... mmmm... 5 of us, 4 were drinking... I lost count at the 7th jug of Stella Artois.
It was a shocking sight... loud, dirty, rough... typical family gathering. Thank god the fighting started AFTER they all left and were on their way home :o)
It was a shocking sight... loud, dirty, rough... typical family gathering. Thank god the fighting started AFTER they all left and were on their way home :o)

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Best night in...
My biggest little sister Vickie was down this weekend. Friday night Vickie, Ange & I had a slumber party... we all bought cheap, highly flammable blue flannelette pyjamas from Coles (mine had mickey mouse on them, V's & A's had clouds...), junk food, wine & DVDs...

I don't know why the pic is sideways!!!
We dragged mattresses, doonas and pillows into the living room and spent the night playing boardgames, eating junk food, drinking wine, watching movies, talking, laughing, it was fucking hilarious. We realised that we had never actually hung out like that before - ever.
Definitely the best night in for a long time.

I don't know why the pic is sideways!!!
We dragged mattresses, doonas and pillows into the living room and spent the night playing boardgames, eating junk food, drinking wine, watching movies, talking, laughing, it was fucking hilarious. We realised that we had never actually hung out like that before - ever.
Definitely the best night in for a long time.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
mac me all over....
I know Andy will be appalled... but I finally did the big switch. I bought an iMac. What can I say... it's fucking hot. 20", white, sexy... The mac, not me...
JD is down from Sydney this weekend. Went out Friday night to the Xchange. Had a great time, moderately trashed, but still containable. JDs friend Andrew was hilarious - he was so giggly and drunk... what was funny though, was when I found out he had only drunk about a third of 1 Black Smirnoff to get in that condition... talk about 1 pot screamer. Ha ha ha.
Saturday was spent out searching for a bedroom suite. I decided a long time ago that I needed to get a new bedroom suite - since the one I have now is ugly as sin. Well it's not THAT bad, but now I have my mac, I needed to upgrade it's surroundings.
So found a really hot one (of course) and getting delivered tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me... RDO tomorrow! Yay! Never had those before this job... so it's weird getting odd days off without having to feign a flu and ring in sick. :o)
Driving back from shopping, we stopped at the lights on Toorak Rd - just inside a driveway next to us were two little kids, about 10yrs old, selling lemonade. They had the table and a little sign and their mum had an apron on and was bringing the cups and things out...
It was just too cute. You never see that these days. Why...
JD is down from Sydney this weekend. Went out Friday night to the Xchange. Had a great time, moderately trashed, but still containable. JDs friend Andrew was hilarious - he was so giggly and drunk... what was funny though, was when I found out he had only drunk about a third of 1 Black Smirnoff to get in that condition... talk about 1 pot screamer. Ha ha ha.
Saturday was spent out searching for a bedroom suite. I decided a long time ago that I needed to get a new bedroom suite - since the one I have now is ugly as sin. Well it's not THAT bad, but now I have my mac, I needed to upgrade it's surroundings.
So found a really hot one (of course) and getting delivered tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me... RDO tomorrow! Yay! Never had those before this job... so it's weird getting odd days off without having to feign a flu and ring in sick. :o)
Driving back from shopping, we stopped at the lights on Toorak Rd - just inside a driveway next to us were two little kids, about 10yrs old, selling lemonade. They had the table and a little sign and their mum had an apron on and was bringing the cups and things out...
It was just too cute. You never see that these days. Why...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
It's good to be back...
This past week was end of financial year. It's when we work frantically to sort problems and queries with our clients to ensure the financial reporting for the past year is complete and accurate etc etc. Traditionally the toughest week on our calendar. Strangely, it was one of the easiest in recent memory. Not quite sure why it was, but buggered if I am gonna complain!
Friday about 4, we cracked open our usual slab of Carton Draught and sat at our desks gas-bagging about the week. Everyone was heading out to a farewell drinks at Blue Diamond, but I had a busy night ahead of me. So I took off at 5pm sharp.
Met up with my my brother Jack & his fiance Amy, and my adorable niece Ava Grace.
Just a quick coffee and a chat. They had the trip back to Geelong to get through, and Ava was tired and cranky and grizzly :o).
I had a 'date' at 7pm anyway... The past 2 months since living in Prahran, I have seen this guy around that I recognised from somewhere - the day I was going to the footy, he was on my tram, and when I got home that night, I looked through my Fridae list and found him. Now I know who he is!
So we have been messaging the past few weeks, determined to actually meet up and say hi instead of walking past each other with that "I know you, but where the hell from" look....
So we caught up at Bogarts at Jam Factory, had a couple of glasses of wine and chatted for an hour or so. He was nice, but he spent a lot of the time we were chatting glancing up at the TV, or messaging friends. To me, that's pretty rude, even though it wasn't officially a date, just a catch up, it's still nice to actually have the attention of your conversation partner. Anyways, we went and saw Transformers (yes 2nd time for me). After the movie, he had to go home as he was working at 8am. Said our byes and that was that. So was walking home in the freezing cold, again probably about 4 or 5 degrees. Called Dom, he was at Kitten Klub in Little Collins ST. Grabbed a cab and headed there. Dom was already very drunk - it doesn't take him my to get to that point anyway. :o)
After Kitten Klub, we went to The Peel on Wellington St, Collingwood. Best night out I have had in months. Met a few people, danced, drank a bit, didn't even get trashed (suprising, right?). Just had a really great night out. Spent most of the night hanging out with a guy (we shall call M)... Crawled home at 1pm Saturday...
It's good to be back...
Friday about 4, we cracked open our usual slab of Carton Draught and sat at our desks gas-bagging about the week. Everyone was heading out to a farewell drinks at Blue Diamond, but I had a busy night ahead of me. So I took off at 5pm sharp.
Met up with my my brother Jack & his fiance Amy, and my adorable niece Ava Grace.
Just a quick coffee and a chat. They had the trip back to Geelong to get through, and Ava was tired and cranky and grizzly :o).
I had a 'date' at 7pm anyway... The past 2 months since living in Prahran, I have seen this guy around that I recognised from somewhere - the day I was going to the footy, he was on my tram, and when I got home that night, I looked through my Fridae list and found him. Now I know who he is!
So we have been messaging the past few weeks, determined to actually meet up and say hi instead of walking past each other with that "I know you, but where the hell from" look....
So we caught up at Bogarts at Jam Factory, had a couple of glasses of wine and chatted for an hour or so. He was nice, but he spent a lot of the time we were chatting glancing up at the TV, or messaging friends. To me, that's pretty rude, even though it wasn't officially a date, just a catch up, it's still nice to actually have the attention of your conversation partner. Anyways, we went and saw Transformers (yes 2nd time for me). After the movie, he had to go home as he was working at 8am. Said our byes and that was that. So was walking home in the freezing cold, again probably about 4 or 5 degrees. Called Dom, he was at Kitten Klub in Little Collins ST. Grabbed a cab and headed there. Dom was already very drunk - it doesn't take him my to get to that point anyway. :o)
After Kitten Klub, we went to The Peel on Wellington St, Collingwood. Best night out I have had in months. Met a few people, danced, drank a bit, didn't even get trashed (suprising, right?). Just had a really great night out. Spent most of the night hanging out with a guy (we shall call M)... Crawled home at 1pm Saturday...
It's good to be back...
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Yet another backdated roundup... (Part 2)
Ange cam in Saturday (30/06) to hang out. We went and saw Transformers. Wow! Easily my new best and favourite movie of all time! Well, at least until the next best and favourite comes along, but for now, this is it! Awesome movie... Funny, CG robots are almost alive, they are amazing.
Home, had dinner and just hung out, Ange crashed early... all part and parcel for being... pregnant. Yes...
Ange is due early January - and the father is her much abhorred ex boyfriend, Craig. Suffice to say, we are all in shock. Not just because she is pregnant (that of course is part of it but certainly not all of it), but because who the father is. As my mum said "Anyone, just some one other than him..."
Good thing is, she has us all down here , so support network is good - and plus I get to be a doting uncle again, and spoil the baby rotten. I haven't had a chance to do that with Ava Grace, since they live in Geelong and its just the rare visit when they come in to see mum, or something like that. At least Ange's baby will be just 20 minutes away. :o)
Home, had dinner and just hung out, Ange crashed early... all part and parcel for being... pregnant. Yes...
Ange is due early January - and the father is her much abhorred ex boyfriend, Craig. Suffice to say, we are all in shock. Not just because she is pregnant (that of course is part of it but certainly not all of it), but because who the father is. As my mum said "Anyone, just some one other than him..."
Good thing is, she has us all down here , so support network is good - and plus I get to be a doting uncle again, and spoil the baby rotten. I haven't had a chance to do that with Ava Grace, since they live in Geelong and its just the rare visit when they come in to see mum, or something like that. At least Ange's baby will be just 20 minutes away. :o)
Friday, June 29, 2007
Yet another backdated roundup... (Part 1)
Thursday night (21/06) was work drinks. This one was an actual company sanctioned drinks night - not just the usual Friday afternoon piss up we have. It was at 3 Degrees at QV. Well, I intended to NOT get appallingly trashed and make a total fool of myself. Yeah, well that didn't happen... But the good thing was, everyone else was equally blotto, so nobody actually noticed :o)
So at the end of the evening, we wandered off to find another place to drink... along the way I looked around me and realised... I didn't know these people. I had connected myself to the wrong group and didn't even realise!
So I sheepishly crept off in another direction to try and find my friends. Wandering along Swanston St, my phone rings - it was LR from my team:
Me - "Hello?"
LR - "Hello?"
Me - "Where are you?"
LR - "Where are you?"
Me - "I'm on Swanston St, where are you!"
LR - "I'm on Swanston St, where are you!"
Me - "Where on Swanston St!!!"
LR - "Um...hee hee hee..."
OK, so that was all I could get out of her. Obviously in worse condition than I was. Only thing to do, drunk to the point of almost not being able to walk, freezing cold (it was probably 5 degrees), I jumped on the Number 6 tram home. After about 15 minutes, I realised that the tram didn't turn into High Street like it's supposed to do. Shit Shit Shit Shit. Got off at the next stop along St Kilda Rd. I got on the number 5 tram instead of the number 6. Honestly the bloody numbers look the same when your eyes are crossed. So walked back down St Kilda Rd and waited for the number 6 tram - again. On the tram, it was a quick 5 minutes til I get off at my place - easy. Well, it should have been. Next thing I know, I lifted my head up to see where I was... didn't recognise anything. I asked the chick sitting near me "Where are we?". "You're at Glen Iris, hun"...
Shit shit shit shit shit. My 1 second head lulling was actually a 20 minute sleep. Jumped off at the next stop, crossed over and caught a cab back home. It cost more to get a cab from there than it would have if I had just got the damn cab from the city in the first place. Dick head.
Friday morning... oooooooooooh.....
Certainly not the best condition to herald in the most religiously significant date on my calendar, Cyndi's Birthday. The veritably ageless goddess of music turned 54.

Caught up with my mate Johnny who was down from Sydney for the weekend. Always nice to see him - one of only a few people that I have seen from Sydney since my move... Monday was brunch at Palate on Greville St with Johnny and a couple of his friends. Good company and conversation, great wine, a terribly long wait for our food, which wasn't that great when it did finally arrive (after I shoveled to the side of my plate the masses of shaved parmesan, there was very little actual pasta on the plate) - which is a shame, cos Palate has always been a great place, one of my favourites, which was why I took them there. If I stop going to every place that disappoints me, I would end up having no where to go... :o(
So at the end of the evening, we wandered off to find another place to drink... along the way I looked around me and realised... I didn't know these people. I had connected myself to the wrong group and didn't even realise!
So I sheepishly crept off in another direction to try and find my friends. Wandering along Swanston St, my phone rings - it was LR from my team:
Me - "Hello?"
LR - "Hello?"
Me - "Where are you?"
LR - "Where are you?"
Me - "I'm on Swanston St, where are you!"
LR - "I'm on Swanston St, where are you!"
Me - "Where on Swanston St!!!"
LR - "Um...hee hee hee..."
OK, so that was all I could get out of her. Obviously in worse condition than I was. Only thing to do, drunk to the point of almost not being able to walk, freezing cold (it was probably 5 degrees), I jumped on the Number 6 tram home. After about 15 minutes, I realised that the tram didn't turn into High Street like it's supposed to do. Shit Shit Shit Shit. Got off at the next stop along St Kilda Rd. I got on the number 5 tram instead of the number 6. Honestly the bloody numbers look the same when your eyes are crossed. So walked back down St Kilda Rd and waited for the number 6 tram - again. On the tram, it was a quick 5 minutes til I get off at my place - easy. Well, it should have been. Next thing I know, I lifted my head up to see where I was... didn't recognise anything. I asked the chick sitting near me "Where are we?". "You're at Glen Iris, hun"...
Shit shit shit shit shit. My 1 second head lulling was actually a 20 minute sleep. Jumped off at the next stop, crossed over and caught a cab back home. It cost more to get a cab from there than it would have if I had just got the damn cab from the city in the first place. Dick head.
Friday morning... oooooooooooh.....
Certainly not the best condition to herald in the most religiously significant date on my calendar, Cyndi's Birthday. The veritably ageless goddess of music turned 54.

Caught up with my mate Johnny who was down from Sydney for the weekend. Always nice to see him - one of only a few people that I have seen from Sydney since my move... Monday was brunch at Palate on Greville St with Johnny and a couple of his friends. Good company and conversation, great wine, a terribly long wait for our food, which wasn't that great when it did finally arrive (after I shoveled to the side of my plate the masses of shaved parmesan, there was very little actual pasta on the plate) - which is a shame, cos Palate has always been a great place, one of my favourites, which was why I took them there. If I stop going to every place that disappoints me, I would end up having no where to go... :o(
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Click your heels...
Do you ever hear people talking... can't quite hear or work out what they are saying, but think that maybe they might be talking about you?
What if you wish they were talking about you...
What if you wish they were talking about you...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I finally joined a gym. After weeks of putting it off, I walked into Genesis on Chapel Street and joined. No more stuffing around. I am determined to get back that bod I was so happy with last year...
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Trash no more...
Friday night, I had a catch up with Jane (You might remember her from previous catch ups including "the skinny dipping / wrestling episode with her hot straight guy friend" and others...)
Anyway, it turned out terribly trashy, for which I have decided to take heed and avoid this one going forward...
Met up at my place, so she could check out my shit-hot pad - for which she was in total awe, but not really surprising since for a 20-something working girl she still lives like a uni student.... You know how that goes... milk crate furniture and crap lying around EVERYWHERE... Anyway, so after loving the new queer quarters, we headed out to Candy Bar on Greville Street (still my favourite street in Melbourne) for a bottle of nasty $8 red - at bar prices, made it a princely $36. Kinda looked like it had changed owners, cos the only people in there apart from us were new staff, and people that knew them... So left there and decided next stop was Dan Murphy's for a couple of bottles to enjoy in the warmth and comfort of home.
Liquourland had a special on $17 Jamiesons Run wines - 2 for $20! Woah! So grabbed 6 bottles before they realised that should have been 2 for 30, took off home feeling very good about my bargain basement booze.
Sat around listening to music, quaffing our cut price tipple... 1am, Jane decides to invite a friend around to join us... lovely. He arrives - no money. I had to go down stairs to pay for the cab. A further 30 minutes of chatting, and by 2am, we were sufficiently spastic to disturb the neighbours with our babble and so relocated to my bedroom which is blessed with shared walls.
Big mistake.
Within seconds, Jane flings her glass across the room, across my brand new white doona cover and pillows, across the silver grey carpet, and (which I discovered with total horror the next day) across 3 of my hot AG shirts...
The terror must have been too much for me. I then passed out.
Saturday morning, I cleaned up, threw out the trash, then disposed of the empty bottles etc... Never again. No class, no room... mean, ruthless, but definitely necessary.
I had just 2 hours to clean myself up, as I was heading to my FIRST live footy game! Sydney Swans against Hawthorn Hawkes. It seemed fitting that my first live game be not only my home team, but against my mothers team... needless to say, Swans kicked the Hawkes collective butts.
I have never seen my mother in the way I saw her that day. I saw sheer unadulterated hatred in her eyes. Her pure abhorrence terrified me. I could see that woman was capable of ripping a chair out of its concrete foundations... such was her passion for the 'almighty hawkes'... Personally, it made no sense... her passion didn't help them. Losers... :o)
Anyway, it turned out terribly trashy, for which I have decided to take heed and avoid this one going forward...
Met up at my place, so she could check out my shit-hot pad - for which she was in total awe, but not really surprising since for a 20-something working girl she still lives like a uni student.... You know how that goes... milk crate furniture and crap lying around EVERYWHERE... Anyway, so after loving the new queer quarters, we headed out to Candy Bar on Greville Street (still my favourite street in Melbourne) for a bottle of nasty $8 red - at bar prices, made it a princely $36. Kinda looked like it had changed owners, cos the only people in there apart from us were new staff, and people that knew them... So left there and decided next stop was Dan Murphy's for a couple of bottles to enjoy in the warmth and comfort of home.
Liquourland had a special on $17 Jamiesons Run wines - 2 for $20! Woah! So grabbed 6 bottles before they realised that should have been 2 for 30, took off home feeling very good about my bargain basement booze.
Sat around listening to music, quaffing our cut price tipple... 1am, Jane decides to invite a friend around to join us... lovely. He arrives - no money. I had to go down stairs to pay for the cab. A further 30 minutes of chatting, and by 2am, we were sufficiently spastic to disturb the neighbours with our babble and so relocated to my bedroom which is blessed with shared walls.
Big mistake.
Within seconds, Jane flings her glass across the room, across my brand new white doona cover and pillows, across the silver grey carpet, and (which I discovered with total horror the next day) across 3 of my hot AG shirts...
The terror must have been too much for me. I then passed out.
Saturday morning, I cleaned up, threw out the trash, then disposed of the empty bottles etc... Never again. No class, no room... mean, ruthless, but definitely necessary.
I had just 2 hours to clean myself up, as I was heading to my FIRST live footy game! Sydney Swans against Hawthorn Hawkes. It seemed fitting that my first live game be not only my home team, but against my mothers team... needless to say, Swans kicked the Hawkes collective butts.
I have never seen my mother in the way I saw her that day. I saw sheer unadulterated hatred in her eyes. Her pure abhorrence terrified me. I could see that woman was capable of ripping a chair out of its concrete foundations... such was her passion for the 'almighty hawkes'... Personally, it made no sense... her passion didn't help them. Losers... :o)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Roses (not) Only...
So much happened yesterday, that this is gonna seem like a roller coaster ride...
So hang on, hold tight...
Early morning, I get this call from the concierge in the lobby of my work. "Sir, we have a parcel down here for you." I was expecting some software from JD, so thinking that's what it was, I went down to collect it. Nope, no software... it was a bloody big box from Roses Only.
So I take it back upstairs to my desk, with my whole department watching... "Ooh! Aah! Ooh!" "I never get roses!" "What did you do to deserve these? Put out?" Jealous bitches. So opened it up...
A dozen huge long stemmed red roses, a teddy bear, chocolates... and a card - not signed.
I knew who it was from, but I alluded to a secret admirer, just to keep everyone excited...
Roses, teddy bear, chocolates (which I can't eat!). JD is making it harder and harder to keep saying no.
I haven't talked about JD before - but I will leave it for another time.
So flowers aside, the rest of Wednesday was one of the most emotionally traumatic work days you could possibly ever have. Only one work day more traumatic, and that's getting fired...
It was training day. And not just any old training - that's generally not very traumatic - that's right folks, I am talking about... Role Play.
It was the second session of 4 hours of "how to be a better relationship manager" training... our hosts, Darren & Bruce. Bruce you might remember as the tall dark haired cop from Home & Away a few years ago... well, he now works for a company which provides "behavioural change programs empowering individuals, teams and organisations to achieve their full potential..."
Yeah... and you know what? You're right... We all thought the same thing...
So anyway, 4 hours of role play. Standing up in front of people, and improvising as only a true actor can... but we, as non actor folk, had to also do. We had to learn about how to communicate effectively, and stop using barrier words, and how to get results from open questions as opposed to closed questions.
Ultimately it was all about stepping outside your comfort zone... well, I didn't step out of it... I was thrown head first.
In my last role play episode, or should I say fuck-up, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was nervous, I was sweating, I thought I was going to throw up. So I am called up for my turn and the thing is I am generally a fairly quiet speaking person (unless I am drunk...) and knowing I am quiet, Bruce uses that as an opportunity to discuss how we should change our tone and volume to ALIGN ourselves with the person to whom we are speaking. And he chooses to do it in a soft, almost feminine voice... Like he was talking to a scared little 5 year old child. So I snapped at him... "I can see how changing your voice to suit could work, but to me I am finding you just a little condescending".... mhmm...
So moving on, I was so fucked up they basically had to coax me through the whole thing... and when I had finished, they applauded and congratulated me for "stepping totally out of my zone"... Yeah... what I wanted to do right then was step totally on his zone... the one surrounding his head.
I was an absolute mess. I sat down and all I could do was watch the clock.
5pm came and I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
I swear if NCS sends me to another one of those sessions I will sue for mental anguish...
So being the fragile petal that I can sometimes be, I go back to work, bitch for 30 minutes with everyone else who had been dragged through the process earlier, picked up my gorgeous big box of roses, and headed home. Via Dan Murphy's. Me, my roses, some yummy soy cheese and crackers, and Cyn. Perfect way to wind down after a very emotional day.
Well, it got me thinking. It's been almost a year since I left Mark. And 6 months since Dean.
What was I so afraid of? I have spent 6 months saying NO. My determination to have a year without the stresses and dramas of a boyfriend? To what end? What really was the purpose. And it dawned on me... I'm scared. I'm scared of fucking things up again. I'm scared of getting it all wrong and hurting someone else. I have been making a point of not getting attached to anyone.
I have also spent the past 12 months regretting and hating what I did, and I needed some closure. I needed to be told that it was OK. We all make mistakes. I wanted to be told by one person in particular. And I wanted him to tell me that he is happy now. Most of all I needed to tell him how sorry I was. So I called Mark. He told me that it was OK, that yes people do make mistakes, and we learn from them. And most importantly, he told me that he was happy.
So where does that leave me? I feel relieved. I feel like I have been forgiven. I think I don't need to spend a year building this shield around me. And I don't need to keep pushing people away.
Maybe not quite time to let someone in, but we'll see what happens.
So hang on, hold tight...
Early morning, I get this call from the concierge in the lobby of my work. "Sir, we have a parcel down here for you." I was expecting some software from JD, so thinking that's what it was, I went down to collect it. Nope, no software... it was a bloody big box from Roses Only.
So I take it back upstairs to my desk, with my whole department watching... "Ooh! Aah! Ooh!" "I never get roses!" "What did you do to deserve these? Put out?" Jealous bitches. So opened it up...
A dozen huge long stemmed red roses, a teddy bear, chocolates... and a card - not signed.
I knew who it was from, but I alluded to a secret admirer, just to keep everyone excited...
Roses, teddy bear, chocolates (which I can't eat!). JD is making it harder and harder to keep saying no.
I haven't talked about JD before - but I will leave it for another time.
So flowers aside, the rest of Wednesday was one of the most emotionally traumatic work days you could possibly ever have. Only one work day more traumatic, and that's getting fired...
It was training day. And not just any old training - that's generally not very traumatic - that's right folks, I am talking about... Role Play.
It was the second session of 4 hours of "how to be a better relationship manager" training... our hosts, Darren & Bruce. Bruce you might remember as the tall dark haired cop from Home & Away a few years ago... well, he now works for a company which provides "behavioural change programs empowering individuals, teams and organisations to achieve their full potential..."
Yeah... and you know what? You're right... We all thought the same thing...
So anyway, 4 hours of role play. Standing up in front of people, and improvising as only a true actor can... but we, as non actor folk, had to also do. We had to learn about how to communicate effectively, and stop using barrier words, and how to get results from open questions as opposed to closed questions.
Ultimately it was all about stepping outside your comfort zone... well, I didn't step out of it... I was thrown head first.
In my last role play episode, or should I say fuck-up, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was nervous, I was sweating, I thought I was going to throw up. So I am called up for my turn and the thing is I am generally a fairly quiet speaking person (unless I am drunk...) and knowing I am quiet, Bruce uses that as an opportunity to discuss how we should change our tone and volume to ALIGN ourselves with the person to whom we are speaking. And he chooses to do it in a soft, almost feminine voice... Like he was talking to a scared little 5 year old child. So I snapped at him... "I can see how changing your voice to suit could work, but to me I am finding you just a little condescending".... mhmm...
So moving on, I was so fucked up they basically had to coax me through the whole thing... and when I had finished, they applauded and congratulated me for "stepping totally out of my zone"... Yeah... what I wanted to do right then was step totally on his zone... the one surrounding his head.
I was an absolute mess. I sat down and all I could do was watch the clock.
5pm came and I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
I swear if NCS sends me to another one of those sessions I will sue for mental anguish...
So being the fragile petal that I can sometimes be, I go back to work, bitch for 30 minutes with everyone else who had been dragged through the process earlier, picked up my gorgeous big box of roses, and headed home. Via Dan Murphy's. Me, my roses, some yummy soy cheese and crackers, and Cyn. Perfect way to wind down after a very emotional day.
Well, it got me thinking. It's been almost a year since I left Mark. And 6 months since Dean.
What was I so afraid of? I have spent 6 months saying NO. My determination to have a year without the stresses and dramas of a boyfriend? To what end? What really was the purpose. And it dawned on me... I'm scared. I'm scared of fucking things up again. I'm scared of getting it all wrong and hurting someone else. I have been making a point of not getting attached to anyone.
I have also spent the past 12 months regretting and hating what I did, and I needed some closure. I needed to be told that it was OK. We all make mistakes. I wanted to be told by one person in particular. And I wanted him to tell me that he is happy now. Most of all I needed to tell him how sorry I was. So I called Mark. He told me that it was OK, that yes people do make mistakes, and we learn from them. And most importantly, he told me that he was happy.
So where does that leave me? I feel relieved. I feel like I have been forgiven. I think I don't need to spend a year building this shield around me. And I don't need to keep pushing people away.
Maybe not quite time to let someone in, but we'll see what happens.
Monday, June 04, 2007
As if I never left....
So was thinking, since I have done bugger all blogging for the past month... it would be too hard to go back through and fill in the missing weeks... so I am going to pretend that I never stopped! :o) But first let me just recap...
Moved to Prahran. Love it here. Apartment is hot. Settled finally. Love it, love it, love it. :o)
Ok, so...
Good sleep again. Unusual considering we ate dinner at 8.30... Our first proper dinner we cooked since we moved in... And it being my favourite dinner, makes it doubly special :o)
A night of firsts actually. Finally getting the wall units finished, first cooked meal at home, and first unexpected phone call...
Sounds weird huh, but actually the whole time we have been there we have only had like 5 phone calls... and they were all us just messing with the new phones :o) not that we have no friends... just that we hadn't yet given out the number to anyone.. just parents...
So it was so funny, we were eating dinner, watching TV, and the phone rang, and we both thought it was on the TV, then we looked at each other like "what’s that noise?" and realised it was the phone... so funny...
Excited about the wall unit... I put together the final parts myself cos Dom was in the bedroom with his friend Mark working on his new wardrobe and drawers... it looks so cool. We decided what was going in it and everything. One part of it is perfectly laid out to use as a bar, complete with space for a 20 bottle wine rack and everything :o) so we are pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
Work sucked today.
In a team of 10, 4 were away. and the work I was looking after was really complicated, and I think the person whose work it was had 'planned' to be sick today, cos most of what I did came in on Friday and he had sent stupid questions back to the clients in an effort to delay response... cos he knew someone else would look at it for him on Monday... grrrr so anyway, I ended up walking out with the shits at 6.
My friend Darien came over for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Sweet guy... when you get to know him... When he arrived, we wandered down to Dan Murphy's to grab a few bottles of wine, then stopped at a Nepalese restaurant to grab some food... at home, ate, drank, drank, drank, talked, listened to Cyndi (a fellow cyn-ophile! yay!) argued about what constitutes being a racist... the boy has serious issues I think... his whole opinion was weird, so weird that I really can’t explain it... so will leave it there... :o)
Anyway, Dom couldn't cope with the in your face discussion style and went to his room... After a while when Darien and I had finished off the bottles of wine, we shared a little choof. Oh - I have discovered that’s what they call it down here... well, at least the people who have heard me say "gonna choof now, see ya later!" in other words "head off / go / leave"... but after a few giggles, I now know what it means here...
Anyway, so after that, ridiculously smashed (doesn't take much for me anymore!), opened a bottle of sparkling, half a glass, bed, dead.
Definitely have to hang out more often - he's a lot of fun... once you get used to his humour, and his attitude... ha ha ha :o)
Good times...
Oh, one last thing... Andy, Craig, Baz, Pauly, Dove, Dionne, Hamish, Drew, Penny, Shane, Johnny, Mikey, Gav, Lu, Rob, Ken, Mario, Matt, Mark... and the rest :o)... Miss you... Talk to me soon!
Moved to Prahran. Love it here. Apartment is hot. Settled finally. Love it, love it, love it. :o)
Ok, so...
Good sleep again. Unusual considering we ate dinner at 8.30... Our first proper dinner we cooked since we moved in... And it being my favourite dinner, makes it doubly special :o)
A night of firsts actually. Finally getting the wall units finished, first cooked meal at home, and first unexpected phone call...
Sounds weird huh, but actually the whole time we have been there we have only had like 5 phone calls... and they were all us just messing with the new phones :o) not that we have no friends... just that we hadn't yet given out the number to anyone.. just parents...
So it was so funny, we were eating dinner, watching TV, and the phone rang, and we both thought it was on the TV, then we looked at each other like "what’s that noise?" and realised it was the phone... so funny...
Excited about the wall unit... I put together the final parts myself cos Dom was in the bedroom with his friend Mark working on his new wardrobe and drawers... it looks so cool. We decided what was going in it and everything. One part of it is perfectly laid out to use as a bar, complete with space for a 20 bottle wine rack and everything :o) so we are pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
Work sucked today.
In a team of 10, 4 were away. and the work I was looking after was really complicated, and I think the person whose work it was had 'planned' to be sick today, cos most of what I did came in on Friday and he had sent stupid questions back to the clients in an effort to delay response... cos he knew someone else would look at it for him on Monday... grrrr so anyway, I ended up walking out with the shits at 6.
My friend Darien came over for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Sweet guy... when you get to know him... When he arrived, we wandered down to Dan Murphy's to grab a few bottles of wine, then stopped at a Nepalese restaurant to grab some food... at home, ate, drank, drank, drank, talked, listened to Cyndi (a fellow cyn-ophile! yay!) argued about what constitutes being a racist... the boy has serious issues I think... his whole opinion was weird, so weird that I really can’t explain it... so will leave it there... :o)
Anyway, Dom couldn't cope with the in your face discussion style and went to his room... After a while when Darien and I had finished off the bottles of wine, we shared a little choof. Oh - I have discovered that’s what they call it down here... well, at least the people who have heard me say "gonna choof now, see ya later!" in other words "head off / go / leave"... but after a few giggles, I now know what it means here...
Anyway, so after that, ridiculously smashed (doesn't take much for me anymore!), opened a bottle of sparkling, half a glass, bed, dead.
Definitely have to hang out more often - he's a lot of fun... once you get used to his humour, and his attitude... ha ha ha :o)
Good times...
Oh, one last thing... Andy, Craig, Baz, Pauly, Dove, Dionne, Hamish, Drew, Penny, Shane, Johnny, Mikey, Gav, Lu, Rob, Ken, Mario, Matt, Mark... and the rest :o)... Miss you... Talk to me soon!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Its catch up time...
OK, God... have I got a lot of catching up to do... I won't do it all in one post, since it will bored you all to tears.
So I have moved out of Hell's Corner now, well, 10 days ago. And guess what... furniture arrives today. Ya... Here's the story...
I booked CITYMOVE removal's. I did an online quote, and based on the fact that my storage unit is 20 cubic metres, but i was only using about 3/4 floor space and very little of the height, I guestimated 10 cubic metres. So the quote said $800. Bargain.
Site also said, backloads take 1-7 days to deliver. No problem. We were moving on the Saturday, and pick up was Friday. Since it is Sydney to Melbourne, should only be a few days, right? Wrong.
So rang up to arrange pick up - the guy says, $100 for living in apartment. OK, thats fine. Then he says Insurance is extra - $200 for up to $15,000. OK - now total is on $1,100...
I asked him about the time it takes, and he says - 'if you want me to tell you what day it will arrive, that will be another $350. Otherwise, we will let you know the day before...' Now, normally I LOVE surprises... just not on this occasion... but since I didn't want my costs to blow out anymore than they already had, I let that one go... I can organise the time off work when it does arrive...
So I ask about the general time, since it was Sydney to Melbourne... obviously a pretty common transport route... 'Yeah, less time than most other deliveries, so probably just a few days'.
No problem. That means move in my few boxes I moved to Melbourne with, and a few nights sleeping on the floor... not too hard to deal with.
So Friday they go to my storage place and collect my stuff. Pauly meets them there to be the removalist overseer... They tell him at the end of it all, that they agree, its about 10m3. Excellent.
So Monday comes... nothing. Tuesday comes... nothing... Thursday... nothing. So I call them.
'Oh, you need to give us $350 more. Your stuff came to 12.5m3' WHAT THE FUCK???
So I proceeded to have an all out argument with them on the phone. The guy was as arrogant and snide as they come. 'So basically you are telling me that you are not going to deliver my stuff until I pay you more money, right? You are holding my things while you extort more money out of your customer.... Is that how you guys do business?'
WHAT THE FUCK?? I was so angry I was actually yelling through the phone at him. I was FURIOUS. Most people can vouch for me... I rarely raise my voice unless I am seriously drunk and getting over excited... but everyone in my department could hear me and I was inside a quite room...
So basically, even though when they picked up they confirmed the space, 10m3, they decided it wasn't enough and I had to pay more.
Worst part was, they left it a whole week to tell me this... AND my stuff was still sitting in Sydney!!! The explanation for the delay? 'Oh, the guy who does that stuff wasn't in for a few days...'
I can't begin to explain how angry I was... It was something out of a Today Tonight segment...
So I had no choice, pay the extra money, or I don't get my stuff. So I paid it. The guy says that it will be loaded on Sunday (9 days after being picked up) - and will be in Melbourne on Tuesday. I organise with work to get Tuesday & Wednesday off work.
Monday night comes, no phone call confirming delivery time... so I ring them.
'Oh, there is a two day delay with the deliveries from Sydney to Melbourne... So your things won't arrive until Thursday.'
I think it finally sent me over the edge... the3 veins were popping out of my temples, and I just couldn't talk anymore... I just hung up the phone silently... walked in a daze around the apartment... It was all very surreal... I was so calm and quiet that I (and Dom) thought I had finally snapped...
So went back to work on Tuesday. Get a phone call from them at lunch time. 'You are scheduled for tomorrow - between 1 & 5.'
And you wanna know what had me in hysterics yesterday? They actually sent me this email :
Hahahahah - as soon as my stuff is here, I will be happy to fill it out... :op
So to finish up this post...
CITYMOVE removals - citymove.com.au : THE WORST REMOVALIST EVER. I have made it my lifes goal to make sure no one I know ever gets screwed by these guys. The most unprofessional, rude, useless, dodgy, dishonest removal company - ever.
So if you ever use them - don't say I didn't warn you.
On a lighter note - my stuff is coming today! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
So I have moved out of Hell's Corner now, well, 10 days ago. And guess what... furniture arrives today. Ya... Here's the story...
I booked CITYMOVE removal's. I did an online quote, and based on the fact that my storage unit is 20 cubic metres, but i was only using about 3/4 floor space and very little of the height, I guestimated 10 cubic metres. So the quote said $800. Bargain.
Site also said, backloads take 1-7 days to deliver. No problem. We were moving on the Saturday, and pick up was Friday. Since it is Sydney to Melbourne, should only be a few days, right? Wrong.
So rang up to arrange pick up - the guy says, $100 for living in apartment. OK, thats fine. Then he says Insurance is extra - $200 for up to $15,000. OK - now total is on $1,100...
I asked him about the time it takes, and he says - 'if you want me to tell you what day it will arrive, that will be another $350. Otherwise, we will let you know the day before...' Now, normally I LOVE surprises... just not on this occasion... but since I didn't want my costs to blow out anymore than they already had, I let that one go... I can organise the time off work when it does arrive...
So I ask about the general time, since it was Sydney to Melbourne... obviously a pretty common transport route... 'Yeah, less time than most other deliveries, so probably just a few days'.
No problem. That means move in my few boxes I moved to Melbourne with, and a few nights sleeping on the floor... not too hard to deal with.
So Friday they go to my storage place and collect my stuff. Pauly meets them there to be the removalist overseer... They tell him at the end of it all, that they agree, its about 10m3. Excellent.
So Monday comes... nothing. Tuesday comes... nothing... Thursday... nothing. So I call them.
'Oh, you need to give us $350 more. Your stuff came to 12.5m3' WHAT THE FUCK???
So I proceeded to have an all out argument with them on the phone. The guy was as arrogant and snide as they come. 'So basically you are telling me that you are not going to deliver my stuff until I pay you more money, right? You are holding my things while you extort more money out of your customer.... Is that how you guys do business?'
WHAT THE FUCK?? I was so angry I was actually yelling through the phone at him. I was FURIOUS. Most people can vouch for me... I rarely raise my voice unless I am seriously drunk and getting over excited... but everyone in my department could hear me and I was inside a quite room...
So basically, even though when they picked up they confirmed the space, 10m3, they decided it wasn't enough and I had to pay more.
Worst part was, they left it a whole week to tell me this... AND my stuff was still sitting in Sydney!!! The explanation for the delay? 'Oh, the guy who does that stuff wasn't in for a few days...'
I can't begin to explain how angry I was... It was something out of a Today Tonight segment...
So I had no choice, pay the extra money, or I don't get my stuff. So I paid it. The guy says that it will be loaded on Sunday (9 days after being picked up) - and will be in Melbourne on Tuesday. I organise with work to get Tuesday & Wednesday off work.
Monday night comes, no phone call confirming delivery time... so I ring them.
'Oh, there is a two day delay with the deliveries from Sydney to Melbourne... So your things won't arrive until Thursday.'
I think it finally sent me over the edge... the3 veins were popping out of my temples, and I just couldn't talk anymore... I just hung up the phone silently... walked in a daze around the apartment... It was all very surreal... I was so calm and quiet that I (and Dom) thought I had finally snapped...
So went back to work on Tuesday. Get a phone call from them at lunch time. 'You are scheduled for tomorrow - between 1 & 5.'
And you wanna know what had me in hysterics yesterday? They actually sent me this email :
Citymove Service Survey
As a follow up service to your recent relocation with Citymove, we would like to offer you the opportunity to express your opinion on the general service you received.
In the best interests of our clients we are always improving our service to offer a budget price at a quality level. Your referrals are the only way to keep advertising costs down and allow for such good value. Your feedback keeps our service worth referring and that is important to us and our future clients.
Please take the time to complete the survey by clicking the link below, and help others have "The Complete Worry-Free Citymove"
Thankyou for taking the time to complete our survey.
Hahahahah - as soon as my stuff is here, I will be happy to fill it out... :op
So to finish up this post...
CITYMOVE removals - citymove.com.au : THE WORST REMOVALIST EVER. I have made it my lifes goal to make sure no one I know ever gets screwed by these guys. The most unprofessional, rude, useless, dodgy, dishonest removal company - ever.
So if you ever use them - don't say I didn't warn you.
On a lighter note - my stuff is coming today! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mini Update
God, I have soooooo much to catch up on. Moved, still waiting for furniture... bastard removalist... that will be a post on its own.. and you just cant miss that one... no internet at home, thats another story again... and really not in the mood to sit here in a cafe and write it all out... and thats another story! ha ha ha so anyway, will try and get to it the next few days...
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Going through the motions...
My last post (Woof...) was done in the middle of the most weird arse drunken episode...
Let me explain.
Sunday - I was supposed to go to a work 'family day' at Melbourne Zoo, Parkville. I woke up, and it was cold and raining... bugger that...
Mum and Russ were going to the footy, so it was gonna be an empty house from lunchtime... to fill in the time headed out to Northlands with my sis for some perving and shopping. Nothing to report out there... as expected.
Home at 3, nice and quiet... what to do, what to do... broke out the bottle of organic vodka (thanks craig!)I got for my birthday (which I will add, most people forgot)...
Pumped up the stereo, and danced around the house.
Somehow I managed to polish off the whole bottle, leaving myself in a pretty ridiculous mess...
Whenever I am drunk, I end up going over the past 12 months - what I did, who I hurt, etc etc. Although I have dealt with it now, it still creeps out every now and then. I am sure everyone has been there, done that.
So the last blog entry was me going through the motions...
Let me explain.
Sunday - I was supposed to go to a work 'family day' at Melbourne Zoo, Parkville. I woke up, and it was cold and raining... bugger that...
Mum and Russ were going to the footy, so it was gonna be an empty house from lunchtime... to fill in the time headed out to Northlands with my sis for some perving and shopping. Nothing to report out there... as expected.
Home at 3, nice and quiet... what to do, what to do... broke out the bottle of organic vodka (thanks craig!)I got for my birthday (which I will add, most people forgot)...
Pumped up the stereo, and danced around the house.
Somehow I managed to polish off the whole bottle, leaving myself in a pretty ridiculous mess...
Whenever I am drunk, I end up going over the past 12 months - what I did, who I hurt, etc etc. Although I have dealt with it now, it still creeps out every now and then. I am sure everyone has been there, done that.
So the last blog entry was me going through the motions...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday morning... now what?
So actually got to have a look at the apartment yesterday... yeah... accepted "sight unseen"... :o) Well, DT and I had been looking at so many places for so long, we both knew exactly what we liked, and our tastes were the same. And since there had been a zillion places looked at after this one and it still held up as a good option by DTs point of view, then I was comfortable with it.
So anyway, took an extended lunch yesterday to check it out just to make sure, and it was HOTTER than the pics. So excited... Great living space, floating polished wood floor, sexy bathroom, stainless steel kitchen. My room has 3 double built in wardrobes... perfect for my upcoming frantic re-stocking (due mostly to my mass wardrobe culling before I moved to Melbourne). Plus since I hate clutter, plenty of places to stuff everything out of sight. :o)
Every Saturday has been up at dawn, to travel to the city to embark on what over time became a droll and depressing flat hunting expedition... So this morning, it was sleep in, up late, slow start, and now I have no idea what to do with my morning. Toast, coffee, read the paper... I have actually forgotten what I used to do on Saturdays... So I am gonna head into the city to catch up with DT (can't break the habit, I guess!) Check out furniture, and imagine how hot our place will be when we are in there... :o)
So anyway, took an extended lunch yesterday to check it out just to make sure, and it was HOTTER than the pics. So excited... Great living space, floating polished wood floor, sexy bathroom, stainless steel kitchen. My room has 3 double built in wardrobes... perfect for my upcoming frantic re-stocking (due mostly to my mass wardrobe culling before I moved to Melbourne). Plus since I hate clutter, plenty of places to stuff everything out of sight. :o)
Every Saturday has been up at dawn, to travel to the city to embark on what over time became a droll and depressing flat hunting expedition... So this morning, it was sleep in, up late, slow start, and now I have no idea what to do with my morning. Toast, coffee, read the paper... I have actually forgotten what I used to do on Saturdays... So I am gonna head into the city to catch up with DT (can't break the habit, I guess!) Check out furniture, and imagine how hot our place will be when we are in there... :o)
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
About time... Part II :o)
Finally... I have an apartment! Yay! Hot apartment just off Chapel St, close to everything, shopping, bars, cafes, restaurants... but the best thing... GOODBYE HELL'S CORNER!!!!!!
Moving next weekend, then life can go back to normal...
And that will also mean I will finally have crap to say in my blog again... it's all gone a bit stagnant... there's only so much of Hell's Corner I can write about :o)
Moving next weekend, then life can go back to normal...
And that will also mean I will finally have crap to say in my blog again... it's all gone a bit stagnant... there's only so much of Hell's Corner I can write about :o)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
About time...
After chatting for a month or so, met up with Darien on Saturday night. Not really a date, but kind of a date... if that makes sense.
Arranged to meet up at Jam Factory on Chapel St, for something to eat and a movie.
We met up at Bogarts, a cigar bar... a couple of drinks and a good chat later, we decided to try a cigar. Never had one before, so it was kinda cool. Hate smoking, but technically it's not smoking is it? Well, you don't inhale, you just 'shallow drag' and appreciate the tastes... right??? :op
We talked for ages. We had never met before, but chatted on line often, and had spoken on the phone a few times. But we got along like old friends.
After drinks, we decided against a movie and chose to go for dinner at a restaurant at St Kilda. Drive to St Kilda Baths to park, and suddenly decided that Luna Park was the way to go... :o) So like a couple of silly kids, all excited, took off for Luna Park. $37 unlimited rides passes, and we were set. One thing missing... What better way to start a night like this? McDonalds...
Back over to Luna Park, ride after ride after ride... got to say, the ghost train was possibly THE lamest ride ever. It was actually so bad, that if it was pay per ride, I would have demanded a refund... the rest of it was great though. It was just so much fun to be a big kid - and it was even better to be a big kid with someone who was happy to be a big kid too. It's been a long time...
After the park closed we walked around a bit, sat down at the pier, talked about boys, ex's etc... some major revelations - I even surprised myself. So much came out that made sense. 12.30am, it was time to head home. Darien gave me a lift all the way back to Hell's Corner, even though he lives equal distance in the opposite direction. Sweet. It was a great night - maybe we will do it again one day.
If it had been the right time... who knows... but for now, a new friend.
Good times...
Arranged to meet up at Jam Factory on Chapel St, for something to eat and a movie.
We met up at Bogarts, a cigar bar... a couple of drinks and a good chat later, we decided to try a cigar. Never had one before, so it was kinda cool. Hate smoking, but technically it's not smoking is it? Well, you don't inhale, you just 'shallow drag' and appreciate the tastes... right??? :op
We talked for ages. We had never met before, but chatted on line often, and had spoken on the phone a few times. But we got along like old friends.
After drinks, we decided against a movie and chose to go for dinner at a restaurant at St Kilda. Drive to St Kilda Baths to park, and suddenly decided that Luna Park was the way to go... :o) So like a couple of silly kids, all excited, took off for Luna Park. $37 unlimited rides passes, and we were set. One thing missing... What better way to start a night like this? McDonalds...
Back over to Luna Park, ride after ride after ride... got to say, the ghost train was possibly THE lamest ride ever. It was actually so bad, that if it was pay per ride, I would have demanded a refund... the rest of it was great though. It was just so much fun to be a big kid - and it was even better to be a big kid with someone who was happy to be a big kid too. It's been a long time...
After the park closed we walked around a bit, sat down at the pier, talked about boys, ex's etc... some major revelations - I even surprised myself. So much came out that made sense. 12.30am, it was time to head home. Darien gave me a lift all the way back to Hell's Corner, even though he lives equal distance in the opposite direction. Sweet. It was a great night - maybe we will do it again one day.
If it had been the right time... who knows... but for now, a new friend.
Good times...
Monday, April 09, 2007
sounding stupid...
write, delete, write, delete, write, delete.... at least 10 times on the train ride home, more since i have been home... everything i was trying to write just sounded stupid...
How slack have I been....
Really haven't had much to blog about this past few weeks... I think since starting work...
Anyway, second week of work was good... busy as all hell... so the honeymoon period only lasted a week! But good thing is, I don't mind the stress - I kinda feed off it, so I always work well under a bit of pressure.
Enough about work...
Saturday, got up at 6am, to go flat hunting... again... it's getting kinda depressing... spending every weekend out flat hunting, and not getting any closer to finding a place and moving. So most real estates were closed for the long weekend, and the one place we did get to see was nasty... 2 storey 2 bedroom townhouse. Sounded nice, good location, good price. Got there, it was nasty - it looked like housing commission...
Met up with Dom Saturday night for a couple of drinks at Candy Bar on Greville St, Prahran. That couple of drinks ended up a whole night out... Diva, Heavens Door, XChange... Met up with Woz, Tan, Vin & Adam. Good times... Crawled home at 8am...
Good Times...
Oh, the reason for the drinks on Saturday night - Sunday was my birthday. So for all those who forgot...

Ha ha ha... just kidding... maybe...
So Sunday I was totally buggered, and not in the good sense. No time for sleep, since the family were all coming over for BBQ... By Sunday night I was shattered - 12 hours sleep... Noice...
Anyway, second week of work was good... busy as all hell... so the honeymoon period only lasted a week! But good thing is, I don't mind the stress - I kinda feed off it, so I always work well under a bit of pressure.
Enough about work...
Saturday, got up at 6am, to go flat hunting... again... it's getting kinda depressing... spending every weekend out flat hunting, and not getting any closer to finding a place and moving. So most real estates were closed for the long weekend, and the one place we did get to see was nasty... 2 storey 2 bedroom townhouse. Sounded nice, good location, good price. Got there, it was nasty - it looked like housing commission...
Met up with Dom Saturday night for a couple of drinks at Candy Bar on Greville St, Prahran. That couple of drinks ended up a whole night out... Diva, Heavens Door, XChange... Met up with Woz, Tan, Vin & Adam. Good times... Crawled home at 8am...
Good Times...
Oh, the reason for the drinks on Saturday night - Sunday was my birthday. So for all those who forgot...
Ha ha ha... just kidding... maybe...
So Sunday I was totally buggered, and not in the good sense. No time for sleep, since the family were all coming over for BBQ... By Sunday night I was shattered - 12 hours sleep... Noice...
Sunday, April 01, 2007
First week over...
So, I'm over my little episode the other day... it's funny how many people asked if I found out who it was... Well, no, I didn't find out. But I really wasn't expecting them to show their face, so I guess it doesn't matter anyway! :o)
So moving along...
Finished my first week in the new job. The week went really well. So easy. People are fun. Everything was great. Actually looking forward to my next week!
We all finished the week with drinks at Marrakesh on Bank Place. Great place, like a series of caves draped with reds and golds, funky house music, great people, 2-for-1 Stella!!!
It's funny, one week at work, and I was already experiencing my workmates at their drunken best... ha ha ha. I think I behaved myself quite well... and ended up having to 'come out' to a few of them. They had no idea...
Anyway, I'm off. Suffering a cold this weekend, so just lazing around. Unfortunately, the human megaphone is visiting again (D+D you may recall)... but it's all good... I just stop and remember that I will be gone from here in just a matter of weeks. April 20 is my goal.
Looking at an apartment on Toorak Rd tomorrow. Hot, 2br, 2 minutes from Sth Yarra station and trams, Chapel St, Commercial Rd... Finger's crossed!!!
So moving along...
Finished my first week in the new job. The week went really well. So easy. People are fun. Everything was great. Actually looking forward to my next week!
We all finished the week with drinks at Marrakesh on Bank Place. Great place, like a series of caves draped with reds and golds, funky house music, great people, 2-for-1 Stella!!!
It's funny, one week at work, and I was already experiencing my workmates at their drunken best... ha ha ha. I think I behaved myself quite well... and ended up having to 'come out' to a few of them. They had no idea...
Anyway, I'm off. Suffering a cold this weekend, so just lazing around. Unfortunately, the human megaphone is visiting again (D+D you may recall)... but it's all good... I just stop and remember that I will be gone from here in just a matter of weeks. April 20 is my goal.
Looking at an apartment on Toorak Rd tomorrow. Hot, 2br, 2 minutes from Sth Yarra station and trams, Chapel St, Commercial Rd... Finger's crossed!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Message for "Karma" Commenter
OK, so back on January 6 this year I blogged about KARMA. It was at the time when Dean and I broke up, and I was pretty messed up. I started to feel that since nothing was going right, it was obviously karma - for what I put Mark through.
Well, today I received a comment on it :
What the fuck? If you wanna diss me - have the guts to say who you are. I don't give a shit what anyone says about me. Everyone has a right to opinion, that's fine - which is why I published your comment. I know you will be reading this - so come on... tell me who you are.
Well, today I received a comment on it :
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Karma's a bitch, huh...":
Here's to Karma...
What the fuck? If you wanna diss me - have the guts to say who you are. I don't give a shit what anyone says about me. Everyone has a right to opinion, that's fine - which is why I published your comment. I know you will be reading this - so come on... tell me who you are.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Been too buggered to blog... Up at 5.30, home about 7.30, eat, shower, sleep at 9... will try and blog tomorrow :o)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Bar 53 - Also the average IQ of its patrons...
Since Friday was my last official free (week)day before I start my new job, I felt it was important to get out and make the most of it... well, that was the plan, and I pretty much kept to it.
I got the train to the city, wandered aimlessly, people watching and window shopping, dreaming of all the things I will be able to buy soon... :o)
Messaged Dean - attempt number 5 to meet up for a coffee/drink/chat - and we arranged a 4.30 rendezvous. Bugger... it's only 11.30, what the hell am I going to do in the city for 5 hours... Coffee, more people watching, then it was off to the movies.
People often say that it's weird going to the movies alone... and I never used to do it, but I am actually doing it quite frequently now, and I am really enjoying it. Something about choosing the movie for yourself, choosing the time for yourself, no compromising. It was nice to just go in, relax and enjoy the movie - alone. Certainly nothing wrong with doing it alone, I can happily vouch for that. Might think differently on doing it Friday night, Saturday or Sunday... standard mates and dates times... then I would have looked like a loser. But weekday daytimes is just fine! :o)
Anyway, saw Hot Fuzz. New Brit movie from the makers of Shawn of the Dead. It was great. A bit graphic, but expected I guess. The humour wasn't stock standard Brit stuff, and wasn't 'roll in the aisles' style either, just subtle things and witty quips that made you giggle...
So after the movie, wandered up to Hairy Canary on Little Collins, to meet Dean. 4.15, sitting in Hairy, nervous and sweating... the guy still does it to me... so I'm sitting there, downing a quick beer to help relax me when Sarina pops up "hey babe! oh god, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm meeting Dean here at 4.30" "Oh hun... don't stress ok? anyway, you look HOT..." ha ha ha... well, it helped relax me anyway...
Dean arrived. It was the first time I had seen him since we broke up - over 3 months. Dressed all in black (Standard AG attire), shirt open to halfway down his chest, his silver cross resting in the crease between his pecs. His perfect smile and those eyes that you could just get completely lost in - even now, he still takes my breath away.
So we ordered a couple of beers and did a full catch up on everything and everyone. Work, family, friends... The time went too fast. Next thing I know, he had to go back to work. Walked him out in Little Collins St, a quick hug, cya. God, it was great to see him.
Bumped into Sarina on the way back to the mall, she was out on break, looking for Havianas for her boyfriend. "So????? Is everything good? Did you guys work it out?" We wandered around a bit, promised to hook up for my birthday in a couple of weeks.
Heading home on the train, Ange calls and begs me to go with her to her friend Emily's birthday at Bar 53. You might recall Bar 53 as the place I went with her to last time... nasty pool hall place... Back then I didn't know the name of it, but now I do. The whole night was OK... Yep, just OK... Met lots of Ange's friends, who were mostly quite nice... I remained relatively sober, so it was funny watching them all totally wasted, behaving like fuckwits... I wonder if thats how I look when I'm trashed... hmmm... Went back to Ange's about 12.30 and fell asleep on the couch watching Legally Blonde.
Woke up this morning, pissing down rain, cold, miserable... I had to meet Dom in South Yarra at 10 for a little flat hunting again... really was more of a lay under doona and watch tv kinda day... but I dragged myself out.
By the time I got in there, it was sunny and nice... typical fucking Melbourne weather. I am going to have to start taking a sweater, jacket, umbrella and sunglasses everywhere I go... So met Dom, coffee, attempts to organise viewing times, gave up... more coffee, chat, wander, window shopping. We end up heading to the city, it was off and on warm, cold, raining, blaaah... didn't want to be out in it anymore. Movie. The Host. Odd, but fun. Ending was a bit bizarre, but the monster was brilliant.
After the movie, a glass of Pinot at Ca de Vin off Bourke St mall, then another at Gin Palace off Little Collins. Home time...
I got the train to the city, wandered aimlessly, people watching and window shopping, dreaming of all the things I will be able to buy soon... :o)
Messaged Dean - attempt number 5 to meet up for a coffee/drink/chat - and we arranged a 4.30 rendezvous. Bugger... it's only 11.30, what the hell am I going to do in the city for 5 hours... Coffee, more people watching, then it was off to the movies.
People often say that it's weird going to the movies alone... and I never used to do it, but I am actually doing it quite frequently now, and I am really enjoying it. Something about choosing the movie for yourself, choosing the time for yourself, no compromising. It was nice to just go in, relax and enjoy the movie - alone. Certainly nothing wrong with doing it alone, I can happily vouch for that. Might think differently on doing it Friday night, Saturday or Sunday... standard mates and dates times... then I would have looked like a loser. But weekday daytimes is just fine! :o)
Anyway, saw Hot Fuzz. New Brit movie from the makers of Shawn of the Dead. It was great. A bit graphic, but expected I guess. The humour wasn't stock standard Brit stuff, and wasn't 'roll in the aisles' style either, just subtle things and witty quips that made you giggle...
So after the movie, wandered up to Hairy Canary on Little Collins, to meet Dean. 4.15, sitting in Hairy, nervous and sweating... the guy still does it to me... so I'm sitting there, downing a quick beer to help relax me when Sarina pops up "hey babe! oh god, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm meeting Dean here at 4.30" "Oh hun... don't stress ok? anyway, you look HOT..." ha ha ha... well, it helped relax me anyway...
Dean arrived. It was the first time I had seen him since we broke up - over 3 months. Dressed all in black (Standard AG attire), shirt open to halfway down his chest, his silver cross resting in the crease between his pecs. His perfect smile and those eyes that you could just get completely lost in - even now, he still takes my breath away.
So we ordered a couple of beers and did a full catch up on everything and everyone. Work, family, friends... The time went too fast. Next thing I know, he had to go back to work. Walked him out in Little Collins St, a quick hug, cya. God, it was great to see him.
Bumped into Sarina on the way back to the mall, she was out on break, looking for Havianas for her boyfriend. "So????? Is everything good? Did you guys work it out?" We wandered around a bit, promised to hook up for my birthday in a couple of weeks.
Heading home on the train, Ange calls and begs me to go with her to her friend Emily's birthday at Bar 53. You might recall Bar 53 as the place I went with her to last time... nasty pool hall place... Back then I didn't know the name of it, but now I do. The whole night was OK... Yep, just OK... Met lots of Ange's friends, who were mostly quite nice... I remained relatively sober, so it was funny watching them all totally wasted, behaving like fuckwits... I wonder if thats how I look when I'm trashed... hmmm... Went back to Ange's about 12.30 and fell asleep on the couch watching Legally Blonde.
"Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed."
Woke up this morning, pissing down rain, cold, miserable... I had to meet Dom in South Yarra at 10 for a little flat hunting again... really was more of a lay under doona and watch tv kinda day... but I dragged myself out.
By the time I got in there, it was sunny and nice... typical fucking Melbourne weather. I am going to have to start taking a sweater, jacket, umbrella and sunglasses everywhere I go... So met Dom, coffee, attempts to organise viewing times, gave up... more coffee, chat, wander, window shopping. We end up heading to the city, it was off and on warm, cold, raining, blaaah... didn't want to be out in it anymore. Movie. The Host. Odd, but fun. Ending was a bit bizarre, but the monster was brilliant.
After the movie, a glass of Pinot at Ca de Vin off Bourke St mall, then another at Gin Palace off Little Collins. Home time...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I'm Speechless...
This video was released by a "Christian" group protesting the UK's new anti-discrimination laws which will require homosexuality to be included in sex education classes across the UK. The law (Sexual Orientation Regulation) has already been passed by parliament (310 to 100), and is being voted on in the Upper House today.
I mean honestly... are people really stupid enough to believe that this is how it will be? It really is sad what lengths people will go to in their attempts to spread hatred. Christians... hah.
I mean honestly... are people really stupid enough to believe that this is how it will be? It really is sad what lengths people will go to in their attempts to spread hatred. Christians... hah.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
What smells like fish and rhymes with 'Punt'...
Caught up with Woz on Saturday.
Hadn't seen him in a few weeks... picked me up at Flinders Street Station and we went to Port Melbourne for fish & chips at Rex Hunt's D'lish Fish. It was nice... and odd. The place, not Woz :o) It was odd because it looked like a fish & chip shop, smelled like a fish & chip shop - but had something of a McDonald's feel about it. Lots of molded plastic, sterile, even the newspaper to wrap the meals was like a faux-newspaper with Rex Hunt stuff all over it. Mind you, the food was pretty good - and she gave us one bonus calamari ring... ha ha ha... yeah... :o) So we sat outside in the sun (and icy breeze!), fed the seagulls, and watched a fighter jet doing funky maneuvers over Albert Park - entertainment for the Grand Prix crowd, no doubt.
After lunch and a trip to Chapel Street to buy Woz' beefin-up protein shake ingredients, I jumped on the train and headed home.
On the way, I find out my mum is out for the day/evening with friends, and my sister is having people over for a BBQ. Hmmm... choices... Do I go home, hang out alone, drink and sit online all night? Or do I at least make the effort to do something social. Well cos it's my sis, I say OK.
BBQ was with Ange (sis), her BF Craig, Jeremy (tall sexy country boy visiting Ange), and a few others. I ended up crashing about midnight, in front of the TV watching Ice Age. Everyone else stayed up playing poker until 3am. I again slept on the couch, a small two seater, which i am getting good at sleeping on... only takes two sessions at a chiropractor to put my back right.
9am and I have to find a way to get home. Call mum - they got home at 2.30am, she is horribly hung over, and still in bed... lift to the train station with Craig. OK, thats step one. I can get a bus home from the station. Great. Sit at the bus stop, 9.30... 10.00... 10.15... no bus... old man walks past and says "Buses run more frequently from Epping. Get the train to Epping and catch it from there." So me gets on the train to Epping (just one stop), flirts briefly with a moderately cute blondie who is struggling to get home, just like me... looks like he is still off his nut, so best be leaving that one alone.
Sitting at the bus stop at Epping... 10.30... 11.00... 11.30... fuck! Where the fuck are the goddamn buses! It has taken me 2 1/2 hours and I am still no closer to home! All I want is to get home, have a shower and crash on the couch....
Call mum again - this time she can come and get me...
Did it even occur to anyone that it's been over 2 hours and I still wasn't home???
You know, I was thinking... I am always saying how I am not getting in much social activity being trapped out here... but I always seem to be blogging about social activities... maybe it isn't as bad as I make it out to be...
Nah, it is... one social activity a week, and even then it is always marred with public transport fiascos... :o) City living here I come!
Hadn't seen him in a few weeks... picked me up at Flinders Street Station and we went to Port Melbourne for fish & chips at Rex Hunt's D'lish Fish. It was nice... and odd. The place, not Woz :o) It was odd because it looked like a fish & chip shop, smelled like a fish & chip shop - but had something of a McDonald's feel about it. Lots of molded plastic, sterile, even the newspaper to wrap the meals was like a faux-newspaper with Rex Hunt stuff all over it. Mind you, the food was pretty good - and she gave us one bonus calamari ring... ha ha ha... yeah... :o) So we sat outside in the sun (and icy breeze!), fed the seagulls, and watched a fighter jet doing funky maneuvers over Albert Park - entertainment for the Grand Prix crowd, no doubt.
After lunch and a trip to Chapel Street to buy Woz' beefin-up protein shake ingredients, I jumped on the train and headed home.
On the way, I find out my mum is out for the day/evening with friends, and my sister is having people over for a BBQ. Hmmm... choices... Do I go home, hang out alone, drink and sit online all night? Or do I at least make the effort to do something social. Well cos it's my sis, I say OK.
BBQ was with Ange (sis), her BF Craig, Jeremy (tall sexy country boy visiting Ange), and a few others. I ended up crashing about midnight, in front of the TV watching Ice Age. Everyone else stayed up playing poker until 3am. I again slept on the couch, a small two seater, which i am getting good at sleeping on... only takes two sessions at a chiropractor to put my back right.
9am and I have to find a way to get home. Call mum - they got home at 2.30am, she is horribly hung over, and still in bed... lift to the train station with Craig. OK, thats step one. I can get a bus home from the station. Great. Sit at the bus stop, 9.30... 10.00... 10.15... no bus... old man walks past and says "Buses run more frequently from Epping. Get the train to Epping and catch it from there." So me gets on the train to Epping (just one stop), flirts briefly with a moderately cute blondie who is struggling to get home, just like me... looks like he is still off his nut, so best be leaving that one alone.
Sitting at the bus stop at Epping... 10.30... 11.00... 11.30... fuck! Where the fuck are the goddamn buses! It has taken me 2 1/2 hours and I am still no closer to home! All I want is to get home, have a shower and crash on the couch....
Call mum again - this time she can come and get me...
Did it even occur to anyone that it's been over 2 hours and I still wasn't home???
You know, I was thinking... I am always saying how I am not getting in much social activity being trapped out here... but I always seem to be blogging about social activities... maybe it isn't as bad as I make it out to be...
Nah, it is... one social activity a week, and even then it is always marred with public transport fiascos... :o) City living here I come!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
1, 2 or a dozen....
So another 'just 1 or 2' ends up another 'too trashed to talk'. Thursday met up with Dom for a drink at St.J's, it was cool, and drizzling. Not the best for an outdoor type place, but it was still fun. After a few there, it was time to go exploring again.
Dom took me to The Croft Institute on Croft Lane, just off Little Bourke in China Town. The place was pretty amazing - set up like a science lab, complete with the funky benches and taps I remember from High School :o)
After The Croft, it was on to Double Happiness - and yes, by the name you can tell we were still in China Town... An Asian themed seductive little bar, with an equally seductive cocktail list - try the lychee martini and the espresso martini... phwoar... I could have drunk them all night...
Jane came and met us there, but by that stage we were already 'well on the way' - so add Jane to the mix, and it got rowdier, dirtier, and I am suprised we didn't get asked to leave... :o)
Staggered out of there (I don't actually recall leaving!), Dom headed home, and I - being in the city after dark - had no where to go, so again it was crash at Jane's place.
Friday morning I had to help mum with the grocery shopping... oh my God... Not only was the train trip back to Epping horrid, there was a further 2 hours of wandering around pushing grocery trolleys... After a big night of drinking, and very little sleep, I finally got home to crash about 3pm. The longest day ever... :o)
Dom took me to The Croft Institute on Croft Lane, just off Little Bourke in China Town. The place was pretty amazing - set up like a science lab, complete with the funky benches and taps I remember from High School :o)
After The Croft, it was on to Double Happiness - and yes, by the name you can tell we were still in China Town... An Asian themed seductive little bar, with an equally seductive cocktail list - try the lychee martini and the espresso martini... phwoar... I could have drunk them all night...
Jane came and met us there, but by that stage we were already 'well on the way' - so add Jane to the mix, and it got rowdier, dirtier, and I am suprised we didn't get asked to leave... :o)
Staggered out of there (I don't actually recall leaving!), Dom headed home, and I - being in the city after dark - had no where to go, so again it was crash at Jane's place.
Friday morning I had to help mum with the grocery shopping... oh my God... Not only was the train trip back to Epping horrid, there was a further 2 hours of wandering around pushing grocery trolleys... After a big night of drinking, and very little sleep, I finally got home to crash about 3pm. The longest day ever... :o)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Eyecandy : Ginch Gonch
If you don't know this underwear brand, come here and I will slap you.
Hot underwear, and now, even hotter spokesbods. They have recently launched their new 'Ginch Gonch Boys'... They are supposed to be traveling the world promoting the brand ... I would like to give them a big, warm, um... welcome to Melbourne...
The pic below links to a 1024 wallpaper. The website has more of them...
I swear I am so moist I am stuck to my chair...
Hot underwear, and now, even hotter spokesbods. They have recently launched their new 'Ginch Gonch Boys'... They are supposed to be traveling the world promoting the brand ... I would like to give them a big, warm, um... welcome to Melbourne...
The pic below links to a 1024 wallpaper. The website has more of them...
I swear I am so moist I am stuck to my chair...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Blue Arsed Fly...
So yesterday was crazy...
I needed to take my Probity forms into my agency at 3pm, but needed to change my license over since I needed photo ID as well as something with my current address.
For those who don't know, Probity is this whole investigation banks do to make sure you are good enough to work there. Not just references, but a Federal Police check, ASIC check, Bankruptcy check, plus full background check going back 10 years! I had to list every address for 10 years, including the ones in HK which I couldn't quite remember...
Got up at 6am, so I could get a lift to the city with my mum. It really is worth sitting through 45 minutes of constant babble to save on the 1 1/2 hours of bus and train alternative! Well, she's not really that bad... I tend to not hear half of it anyway - cos she's on my right side...
So anyway, left mum at Victoria Gardens and hopped a tram to the city - first stop, VicRoads on Lygon Street. Since I didn't have change, I fare evaded... Certainly gets your adrenaline pumping first thing in the morning... :o) Scariest part was, I got off the tram at La Trobe Street - and the ticket dudes got on! Close call... shook me enough to swear not to do it again... today.
Stopped twice on the way up Lygon Street - seduced by the aroma of fresh coffee, made properly. Made it to VicRoads to be confronted by the oh so expected queue. I took a number, 154. I look at the number on the sign... 96. Oh God...
40 minutes and it's finally my turn. "I'm sorry sir, you need to make an appointment if you want to transfer an interstate license. Our next available slot is March 19th. At Greensbrough"
NOOOOOOOOOO.....!!!! Not only is that too late - but Greensbrough is a hole (a bigger one than Mill Park) AND after the 40 minute bus trip, you still have to walk 25 minutes to get to the VicRoads office! I needed the ID same day - to be submitted with the damn Probity forms.
I was going to have ot tell my agency that I can't finalise until next week... that was bad, since probity takes a week, and they want me to start ASAP afterwards. Will call after 2 when she is in the office. Until then, it's barely 10am and I have 6 hours until mum finishes work. Oh I didn't mention, I had left my house keys at home, so there was no going home early.
What to do...
Tight Arse Tuesday at the movies - Ghost Rider it is! Not a big Nick Cage fan, but no doubt it was gonna be fun. Funny going to a day time movie when it's not school holidays... I was sitting right in the middle half way up the back section. Sharing the cinema with me were 7 other people. Scattered throughout, but still not far enough away. An old dude who breathed heavily, a young guy looking around suspiciously like he sneaked in and was paranoid he would get caught, 3 school aged kids who were probably thinking this movie counts as 4th period Geography (since they could spend 2 hours spotting the many Melbourne landmarks in the movie), and a Japanese couple 4 rows behind me... with the sounds coming from that direction, I didn't really want to know what they were there for...
Just want to share a gripe with everyone - talking during a movie. One of my biggest pet peeves EVER. Why do people feel the need to talk to each other while a movie is on? Do they think they are the only people in the cinema? Do they think that whispering is okay, even though it is so loud people can hear the 'whispering' 7 rows away? What makes it worse, is that no matter how many people are in the cinema - 200 or 2 - there will still be a talker! I have told people to shut up many a time - and I certainly wasn't going to let this one slide... "You want to take your discussion outside?" In my roughest, deepest voice. Ha, ha, ha... works every time.
So anyway, movie was great - silly, but still a lot of fun. Left the cinema, grabbed a bite to eat, called my agency. "Just get a statement from your bank! Change your address and request an interim statement..." I wish they had told me that before - would have saved a lot of trouble.
Collins St branch - 1 million people in queue. Waited for 15 minutes hoping it would move quickly. Nope. Moved only 1 metre.
Swanston St branch - 1.5 million people in queue. Waited 15 minutes there... nope. As I was leaving, I noticed almost everyone had passports in their hands... odd.
Then it was a hunt for an internet cafe so I could look up locations for other branches. Across the road - full. Next one - full. Bloody Hell. By this stage I was hot, pissed off and tired. Ended up the other side of the CBD in Queen Street, found another ANZ branch! Woo hoo! And there were only 20 or so people in it! Woo hoo! Not sure whether I should go to a teller or the the service desk, I am standing in the middle of the floor, enjoying the air conditioning, when a lady comes over. She must have thought there was something wrong, as I was sweating profusely, red, breathing heavy and the veins on the sides of my head bulging to the point where they could burst. "I can help you sir!" and directs me to her office...
Turns out she was the branch manager, and she helped me with everything I needed, nice lady she was... :o)
Got my forms to the agency, and headed home, totally exhausted. Happy everything is in, so the countdown begins. Should be starting within the next week or so.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten... still have my VicRoads appointment at Greensbrough next Monday... watch this space...
Oh almost forgot - the Passports at the bank thing... turns out Tuesday was International Student Day. They all got off the planes on the weekend, and were there getting their bank accounts opened. Irrelevant overall, but the reason for the queues. :o)
I needed to take my Probity forms into my agency at 3pm, but needed to change my license over since I needed photo ID as well as something with my current address.
For those who don't know, Probity is this whole investigation banks do to make sure you are good enough to work there. Not just references, but a Federal Police check, ASIC check, Bankruptcy check, plus full background check going back 10 years! I had to list every address for 10 years, including the ones in HK which I couldn't quite remember...
Got up at 6am, so I could get a lift to the city with my mum. It really is worth sitting through 45 minutes of constant babble to save on the 1 1/2 hours of bus and train alternative! Well, she's not really that bad... I tend to not hear half of it anyway - cos she's on my right side...
So anyway, left mum at Victoria Gardens and hopped a tram to the city - first stop, VicRoads on Lygon Street. Since I didn't have change, I fare evaded... Certainly gets your adrenaline pumping first thing in the morning... :o) Scariest part was, I got off the tram at La Trobe Street - and the ticket dudes got on! Close call... shook me enough to swear not to do it again... today.
Stopped twice on the way up Lygon Street - seduced by the aroma of fresh coffee, made properly. Made it to VicRoads to be confronted by the oh so expected queue. I took a number, 154. I look at the number on the sign... 96. Oh God...
40 minutes and it's finally my turn. "I'm sorry sir, you need to make an appointment if you want to transfer an interstate license. Our next available slot is March 19th. At Greensbrough"
NOOOOOOOOOO.....!!!! Not only is that too late - but Greensbrough is a hole (a bigger one than Mill Park) AND after the 40 minute bus trip, you still have to walk 25 minutes to get to the VicRoads office! I needed the ID same day - to be submitted with the damn Probity forms.
I was going to have ot tell my agency that I can't finalise until next week... that was bad, since probity takes a week, and they want me to start ASAP afterwards. Will call after 2 when she is in the office. Until then, it's barely 10am and I have 6 hours until mum finishes work. Oh I didn't mention, I had left my house keys at home, so there was no going home early.
What to do...
Tight Arse Tuesday at the movies - Ghost Rider it is! Not a big Nick Cage fan, but no doubt it was gonna be fun. Funny going to a day time movie when it's not school holidays... I was sitting right in the middle half way up the back section. Sharing the cinema with me were 7 other people. Scattered throughout, but still not far enough away. An old dude who breathed heavily, a young guy looking around suspiciously like he sneaked in and was paranoid he would get caught, 3 school aged kids who were probably thinking this movie counts as 4th period Geography (since they could spend 2 hours spotting the many Melbourne landmarks in the movie), and a Japanese couple 4 rows behind me... with the sounds coming from that direction, I didn't really want to know what they were there for...
Just want to share a gripe with everyone - talking during a movie. One of my biggest pet peeves EVER. Why do people feel the need to talk to each other while a movie is on? Do they think they are the only people in the cinema? Do they think that whispering is okay, even though it is so loud people can hear the 'whispering' 7 rows away? What makes it worse, is that no matter how many people are in the cinema - 200 or 2 - there will still be a talker! I have told people to shut up many a time - and I certainly wasn't going to let this one slide... "You want to take your discussion outside?" In my roughest, deepest voice. Ha, ha, ha... works every time.
So anyway, movie was great - silly, but still a lot of fun. Left the cinema, grabbed a bite to eat, called my agency. "Just get a statement from your bank! Change your address and request an interim statement..." I wish they had told me that before - would have saved a lot of trouble.
Collins St branch - 1 million people in queue. Waited for 15 minutes hoping it would move quickly. Nope. Moved only 1 metre.
Swanston St branch - 1.5 million people in queue. Waited 15 minutes there... nope. As I was leaving, I noticed almost everyone had passports in their hands... odd.
Then it was a hunt for an internet cafe so I could look up locations for other branches. Across the road - full. Next one - full. Bloody Hell. By this stage I was hot, pissed off and tired. Ended up the other side of the CBD in Queen Street, found another ANZ branch! Woo hoo! And there were only 20 or so people in it! Woo hoo! Not sure whether I should go to a teller or the the service desk, I am standing in the middle of the floor, enjoying the air conditioning, when a lady comes over. She must have thought there was something wrong, as I was sweating profusely, red, breathing heavy and the veins on the sides of my head bulging to the point where they could burst. "I can help you sir!" and directs me to her office...
Turns out she was the branch manager, and she helped me with everything I needed, nice lady she was... :o)
Got my forms to the agency, and headed home, totally exhausted. Happy everything is in, so the countdown begins. Should be starting within the next week or so.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten... still have my VicRoads appointment at Greensbrough next Monday... watch this space...
Oh almost forgot - the Passports at the bank thing... turns out Tuesday was International Student Day. They all got off the planes on the weekend, and were there getting their bank accounts opened. Irrelevant overall, but the reason for the queues. :o)
I found a great collage of Cyndi pics set to a song that I posted lyrics to last month. It's called 'Someone Like Me'. (Created and posted on YouTube by WZevonFan)
Many people probably won't want to sit through the whole 4 minutes, but I know there are a handful that will :o)
Many people probably won't want to sit through the whole 4 minutes, but I know there are a handful that will :o)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
OK, I debated as to whether I should post this, but it's as funny as... but don't worry, I am sure there are some Aussies that are just as stupid!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Back on track baby....
It's all coming together...
First, a quick backtrack to cover off on what some won't know. I sold my share of LNM in January . My then business partner, called me up just days after 'the breakup' and told me he had been offered a big paying opportunity with one of our competitors - conditions apply* He said he was going to take it - and that under the conditions, I had no choice but to sell him my share of the business. I acceded. At the time, so much shit was going on in the heart department that I pretty much lost interest in everything around me anyway.
So after that, I kinda just lost direction. Went out occasionally, got trashed, had fun, met new people - but still underneath I was bored, lost, lonely. I wasn't interested in finding a job yet, since I was getting the proceeds from the sale of my business - and that would give me a while to move, settle down, and then decide what I wanted to do with myself. Well, proceeds still have not arrived...* :o)
But anyway, I realised that my problem was a combination of things - living in Hell's Corner, having no money, not being able to get out and do stuff.
But all that is about to change.
Got a phone call on Friday morning from an agency who had gotten my CV from Seek. I was 'perfect' for this job... So went in to have a chat, find out about the role etc etc. Turns out, the job is with a direct competitor of my previous employer (SSAL). They had seen my CV, knew I had been working for SSAL for years and years, and they HAD to have me. Second chat that morning was with them - NAB. It wasn't even an interview... ended up being a 20 minute chat. Got the call back Friday afternoon from my agent. "Oh my God... they LOVED you! They are so excited... yadda, yadda, yadda..."
So - in 2 weeks, I will be back into a relationship management role at another bank - probably dealing with the same clients I had at SSAL - and all for a shit load more money and better conditions! Ha!
I'm not abandoning my ideals of working for myself... but for now, this is the way for me to get my life back on track.
Job = Money = Life
My time really does start now.
* Can't say too much! If I make any comments on this, I could get into trouble, so best leave it alone!!!
First, a quick backtrack to cover off on what some won't know. I sold my share of LNM in January . My then business partner, called me up just days after 'the breakup' and told me he had been offered a big paying opportunity with one of our competitors - conditions apply* He said he was going to take it - and that under the conditions, I had no choice but to sell him my share of the business. I acceded. At the time, so much shit was going on in the heart department that I pretty much lost interest in everything around me anyway.
So after that, I kinda just lost direction. Went out occasionally, got trashed, had fun, met new people - but still underneath I was bored, lost, lonely. I wasn't interested in finding a job yet, since I was getting the proceeds from the sale of my business - and that would give me a while to move, settle down, and then decide what I wanted to do with myself. Well, proceeds still have not arrived...* :o)
But anyway, I realised that my problem was a combination of things - living in Hell's Corner, having no money, not being able to get out and do stuff.
But all that is about to change.
Got a phone call on Friday morning from an agency who had gotten my CV from Seek. I was 'perfect' for this job... So went in to have a chat, find out about the role etc etc. Turns out, the job is with a direct competitor of my previous employer (SSAL). They had seen my CV, knew I had been working for SSAL for years and years, and they HAD to have me. Second chat that morning was with them - NAB. It wasn't even an interview... ended up being a 20 minute chat. Got the call back Friday afternoon from my agent. "Oh my God... they LOVED you! They are so excited... yadda, yadda, yadda..."
So - in 2 weeks, I will be back into a relationship management role at another bank - probably dealing with the same clients I had at SSAL - and all for a shit load more money and better conditions! Ha!
I'm not abandoning my ideals of working for myself... but for now, this is the way for me to get my life back on track.
Job = Money = Life
My time really does start now.
* Can't say too much! If I make any comments on this, I could get into trouble, so best leave it alone!!!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
How would you like your meat?
Went to a BBQ at Adams place on Monday. Adam lives in the eastern suburb version of my own "Hell's Corner".. Cranbourne. Its over an hour on the train from the city... but from my place, it's 2 hours 40 minutes.... Walk to bus, bus to train station, wait for connecting train, train to Flinder's Street, wait for connecting train, train to Cranbourne. I have only 15 songs in my PDA, and I listened to them all 3 times over... If I ever hear Jessica Simpson's "A Public Affair" again, I will curl up in a ball and cry... No Idea why I had that song on there in the first place...
So the trip was quite pleasant until the train arrived at Dandenong... from then on it was scary. School kids piling onto the train... the guys were hot (generally speaking), but it was the girls that scared the hell out of me. Seriously.
I have never seen so much acid being spat from a group of 'ladies' in my life - and we're talking drag queens and drug fucked party fags too... the language coming out of them would make even the members of the Dubbo Lesbian Guild blush...
So anyway, finally made it to Cranbourne. Ad's picked me up from the station and did the whole 2 blocks to his house. That may very well have been for security purposes... who knows... :o)
So over a drink or two (I had Bundy and cokes!), we prepared food for the BBQ. 6.30, Ad's friends arrive - had been advised that these girl's were known as his 'wife' and 'girlfriend'... not really sure if that is just a pet name thing going on, or whether he utilises their services for social gatherings... but somehow I don't think Ad's could have a lady in arm and still come out the man... :o) (Love ya Ad's...mwah!)
So the girls were great. Really funny. Standing around the BBQ, we drank, gossed, talked about weird-arse quirky things we do - and I was please to find that I am not the only person who colour matches clothes pegs when hanging out the washing! Yay! Next was the comparing of scars... I am not sure how we got into that, and although there were some doozies, I certainly won that one ;o)
So after dinner, and feeling rather lubricated, we settled into the living room for... Cluedo! Well, new Cluedo DVD. It was pretty weird, and after half an hour working out how to play, then two false starts, we managed to get an hour in before.... DVD froze. Bugger that. Pack it up. It's over.

Once the girls had left, took my beer to bed, started watching Scary Movie, and crashed (Of course I finished my beer first!).
The next morning... it was the long trip home again... sigh...
Ah well... Good times...
So the trip was quite pleasant until the train arrived at Dandenong... from then on it was scary. School kids piling onto the train... the guys were hot (generally speaking), but it was the girls that scared the hell out of me. Seriously.
I have never seen so much acid being spat from a group of 'ladies' in my life - and we're talking drag queens and drug fucked party fags too... the language coming out of them would make even the members of the Dubbo Lesbian Guild blush...
So anyway, finally made it to Cranbourne. Ad's picked me up from the station and did the whole 2 blocks to his house. That may very well have been for security purposes... who knows... :o)
So over a drink or two (I had Bundy and cokes!), we prepared food for the BBQ. 6.30, Ad's friends arrive - had been advised that these girl's were known as his 'wife' and 'girlfriend'... not really sure if that is just a pet name thing going on, or whether he utilises their services for social gatherings... but somehow I don't think Ad's could have a lady in arm and still come out the man... :o) (Love ya Ad's...mwah!)
So the girls were great. Really funny. Standing around the BBQ, we drank, gossed, talked about weird-arse quirky things we do - and I was please to find that I am not the only person who colour matches clothes pegs when hanging out the washing! Yay! Next was the comparing of scars... I am not sure how we got into that, and although there were some doozies, I certainly won that one ;o)
Once the girls had left, took my beer to bed, started watching Scary Movie, and crashed (Of course I finished my beer first!).
The next morning... it was the long trip home again... sigh...
Ah well... Good times...
Monday, March 05, 2007
Melbourne is the place for it...
Something that I am totally loving about Melbourne is the abundance of amazing places to go for coffee, drinks, cocktails, dinner etc. It's just great being able to organise a catch up with a friend or two and just working our way around a half dozen bars or cafes and just checking them out, having a coffee or drink, absorbing the surroundings. Could never get tired of it. Melbourne is definitely the place for it.
Sunday I Met Dom at rednine cafe on Degraves St for a coffee. Great cafe, great coffee. Sunday afternoons sees live music as well.
Next stop, Kitten Club on Flinders Lane. The staff were really really friendly. We rocked up 20 minutes before they opened, and they were still very accomodating... we ordered amazing cocktails and chatted away with the staff. Good fun.
Dom is funny... he gets that typical asian blush across his face when he is drinking... its pretty funny :o)
We decided our next port of call would be Greville Street Prahran - THE place I want to live :o) This has to be my favourite street in Melbourne. Hot cafe's, hotter bars, great places to shop, just off Chapel street and Prahran Station is only 3 stops from Flinders Street...
Turns out Dom could handle it there too... so we talked a lot about flat hunting together...
So we hung out at Candy Bar. A cafe/bar during the day which evolves into a sexy bar/club at night. Great place, really friendly bar chick, great mix of people, funky music. Great atmosphere.
I went here last year with Dean - we sat outside in the courtyard with a bottle of wine, then inside for a while absorbing the surroundings.
Dom and I stuck to a table right at the front in the window to ensure we got the best of both views - the people inside and the perve-fest of the passers by :o)
Dinner was at Kagu Ra Zaka on Toorak Road. The food here is amazing - among the best Japanese places I have been to.
Headed home about 8.30... cruised by a seriously cute asian boy on the train. He was with a friend, so his looks were kept very discrete... made the whole thing all the more exciting :o) Got out at Epping Station as well, but he disappeared with his friend, head down and as quick as possible... obviously was worried I was going to say something, or his friend was gonna catch him... ha ha ha. Oh well, it wouldn't have happened anyway, since having my mum at the station to pick me up (in her pyjama's too) would have put a dampener on the whole thing... :o)
Sunday I Met Dom at rednine cafe on Degraves St for a coffee. Great cafe, great coffee. Sunday afternoons sees live music as well.
Next stop, Kitten Club on Flinders Lane. The staff were really really friendly. We rocked up 20 minutes before they opened, and they were still very accomodating... we ordered amazing cocktails and chatted away with the staff. Good fun.
Dom is funny... he gets that typical asian blush across his face when he is drinking... its pretty funny :o)
We decided our next port of call would be Greville Street Prahran - THE place I want to live :o) This has to be my favourite street in Melbourne. Hot cafe's, hotter bars, great places to shop, just off Chapel street and Prahran Station is only 3 stops from Flinders Street...
Turns out Dom could handle it there too... so we talked a lot about flat hunting together...
So we hung out at Candy Bar. A cafe/bar during the day which evolves into a sexy bar/club at night. Great place, really friendly bar chick, great mix of people, funky music. Great atmosphere.
I went here last year with Dean - we sat outside in the courtyard with a bottle of wine, then inside for a while absorbing the surroundings.
Dom and I stuck to a table right at the front in the window to ensure we got the best of both views - the people inside and the perve-fest of the passers by :o)
Dinner was at Kagu Ra Zaka on Toorak Road. The food here is amazing - among the best Japanese places I have been to.
Headed home about 8.30... cruised by a seriously cute asian boy on the train. He was with a friend, so his looks were kept very discrete... made the whole thing all the more exciting :o) Got out at Epping Station as well, but he disappeared with his friend, head down and as quick as possible... obviously was worried I was going to say something, or his friend was gonna catch him... ha ha ha. Oh well, it wouldn't have happened anyway, since having my mum at the station to pick me up (in her pyjama's too) would have put a dampener on the whole thing... :o)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Sam, Seafood, Sand, Skinny Dipping and Simon
Thursday I went into the city. Quick meeting with an agency, then off to catch up with Jane. Jane is the chick I met at Opium Den a little while ago.
So met up at The Lounge on Swanston St. She brought the hottest boy with her. His name was Fotios... very young, very cute. Unfortunately, he was shortly heading home to his boyfriend... whose name, by the way, is Xavier... Fotios and Xavier... the names alone are enough to make my box twitch.
So anyway, hung there for a bit, then popped across the road to Cookie.
By this stage we were well lubricated, and decided to wander over to my absolute favourite - yep, St. Jerome's... She LOVED it. As you would expect. :o) Jane's flatmate Jane (uhuh) arrived to meet Jane for dinner, and even though I promised myself to go home and not get trashed... I decided to tag along :op
PLAN : tram it to St Kilda, and meet friend Sam at her house. Then go do dinner at a place near her home.
So, we did the tram to St Kilda. Sam said her place was "Just near the Espy". After walking the full length of Acland St (we took the wrong tram!) we made it to the Espy, called Sam... "No! NEAR the Espy! Walk back about 20 minutes, left, then right, then second right, third left and go straight ahead about 15 minutes"
Or something along those lines... Either way, it was a cab from there. Glad we did cos it turned out to be nowhere near where we originally thought...
Get to Sam's house. She is already obviously just as trashed as we were... good, all playing on the same field.
We walk in to Port Melbourne, and decide on Belucci's.
I think we were the only people there... but since we were all trashed, it really didn't matter.
Dinner was amazing. The best Linguini Marinara ever... Amazing food, amazing service. It was great. Get the chance, check it out.
So after dinner (and a lot of laughs at Sam, who was great, but was a lot lower in the food chain than her sexy attitude - and hot black Scanlon dress - would suggest...) we headed to... the Espy.
Dark, dirty, thrasher metal band playing live... the place was grungy, but fucking hot. Loved it.
We met up with Janes friend Simon, he was hot. Very straight, and very hot. Hung out, drank alot, flirted (surprisingly respondent!), danced to the nasty dirty thrasher band... it was very cool. Good times...
We left there and decided... it was swimming time!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
So we ran over to St Kilda Beach, stripped off and did the mad dash into the water. Noice... The water was amazing, cool, somewhat...wet... and... eeuuwww, seaweed...
After a seaweed fight, the girls got out. Obviously couldn't compete against the aggression and competitiveness of two guys... hahahah. So it was just me and Simon left in the water... what to do, what to do... wrestle!! So there I was, drunk, naked and wrestling a hot straight, equally drunk and equally naked, guy... hands, arms, legs everywhere... OH MY GOD... This is what gay wet dreams are made of, baby!
Dickhead doof doofs arrived in their cars, parked facing the water and started flashing their headlights... time to go... so we got dressed and hailed a cab.
The cab ride was hilarious. Simon sat in the front, I was in the back, in between the two girls. Arms around each, teasing the cab driver with our dirty, sexy carry-ons... Made out that both girls were mine - was taking them both home! Just to see the reaction. Hilarious. :o)
Got back to Jane and Janes, sat around, drinking nasty cask red... no matter how many times I asked Simon if he wanted to share a shower to get all that seaweed,salt and sand off, he declined... bastard. What a tease :o)
Good times...
Oh BTW - It's Mardi Gras tonight... and I'm not there... I hope everyone is having a great time.
Have fun, be safe. Wish I was there... XXXXX
So met up at The Lounge on Swanston St. She brought the hottest boy with her. His name was Fotios... very young, very cute. Unfortunately, he was shortly heading home to his boyfriend... whose name, by the way, is Xavier... Fotios and Xavier... the names alone are enough to make my box twitch.
So anyway, hung there for a bit, then popped across the road to Cookie.
By this stage we were well lubricated, and decided to wander over to my absolute favourite - yep, St. Jerome's... She LOVED it. As you would expect. :o) Jane's flatmate Jane (uhuh) arrived to meet Jane for dinner, and even though I promised myself to go home and not get trashed... I decided to tag along :op
PLAN : tram it to St Kilda, and meet friend Sam at her house. Then go do dinner at a place near her home.
So, we did the tram to St Kilda. Sam said her place was "Just near the Espy". After walking the full length of Acland St (we took the wrong tram!) we made it to the Espy, called Sam... "No! NEAR the Espy! Walk back about 20 minutes, left, then right, then second right, third left and go straight ahead about 15 minutes"
Or something along those lines... Either way, it was a cab from there. Glad we did cos it turned out to be nowhere near where we originally thought...
Get to Sam's house. She is already obviously just as trashed as we were... good, all playing on the same field.
We walk in to Port Melbourne, and decide on Belucci's.
I think we were the only people there... but since we were all trashed, it really didn't matter.
Dinner was amazing. The best Linguini Marinara ever... Amazing food, amazing service. It was great. Get the chance, check it out.
So after dinner (and a lot of laughs at Sam, who was great, but was a lot lower in the food chain than her sexy attitude - and hot black Scanlon dress - would suggest...) we headed to... the Espy.
Dark, dirty, thrasher metal band playing live... the place was grungy, but fucking hot. Loved it.
We met up with Janes friend Simon, he was hot. Very straight, and very hot. Hung out, drank alot, flirted (surprisingly respondent!), danced to the nasty dirty thrasher band... it was very cool. Good times...
We left there and decided... it was swimming time!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
So we ran over to St Kilda Beach, stripped off and did the mad dash into the water. Noice... The water was amazing, cool, somewhat...wet... and... eeuuwww, seaweed...
After a seaweed fight, the girls got out. Obviously couldn't compete against the aggression and competitiveness of two guys... hahahah. So it was just me and Simon left in the water... what to do, what to do... wrestle!! So there I was, drunk, naked and wrestling a hot straight, equally drunk and equally naked, guy... hands, arms, legs everywhere... OH MY GOD... This is what gay wet dreams are made of, baby!
Dickhead doof doofs arrived in their cars, parked facing the water and started flashing their headlights... time to go... so we got dressed and hailed a cab.
The cab ride was hilarious. Simon sat in the front, I was in the back, in between the two girls. Arms around each, teasing the cab driver with our dirty, sexy carry-ons... Made out that both girls were mine - was taking them both home! Just to see the reaction. Hilarious. :o)
Got back to Jane and Janes, sat around, drinking nasty cask red... no matter how many times I asked Simon if he wanted to share a shower to get all that seaweed,salt and sand off, he declined... bastard. What a tease :o)
Good times...
Oh BTW - It's Mardi Gras tonight... and I'm not there... I hope everyone is having a great time.
Have fun, be safe. Wish I was there... XXXXX
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Mardi Gras Ticket For Sale...
Since I'm not coming up to Sydney for MG...
$110 (That's $20 off!) And I will express post it, so will be in Sydney by Friday...
Email me if you can help me out!
$110 (That's $20 off!) And I will express post it, so will be in Sydney by Friday...
Email me if you can help me out!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Going for a plop...
You know... I have just a handful of friends that I love unconditionally. The ones that no matter what happens, they are always there, and I'm always there. The ones that when they stand in front of me, I feel warm. When they say something, they make me smile (Hence, the subject...). Just being my friend makes me feel special.
Thank you... I love you more than life itself. You know who you are...
Thank you... I love you more than life itself. You know who you are...
So you might recall the entries from Christmas where there were people staying in the house... you know.. the LOUD ones... (D&D) well, they are here again. They arrived at 4.30pm today. I knew they had arrived because I could hear them get out of their car. They parked THREE HOUSES AWAY!!!
So now, I am sitting here at the PC, in the same room as D, D, my mum and Russell... it's only been 30 minutes and I am already crawling up the walls...
Thank God I am heading to Ads house tomorrow lunch time for a BBQ and piss up. By the time I get back on Sunday evening, they will be gone...
Just please keep me in your thoughts while you are all enjoying your Friday night... I will be here. Blocking my ears. Curled up in the corner, shaking uncontrollably.
So now, I am sitting here at the PC, in the same room as D, D, my mum and Russell... it's only been 30 minutes and I am already crawling up the walls...
Thank God I am heading to Ads house tomorrow lunch time for a BBQ and piss up. By the time I get back on Sunday evening, they will be gone...
Just please keep me in your thoughts while you are all enjoying your Friday night... I will be here. Blocking my ears. Curled up in the corner, shaking uncontrollably.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
For my 100th post ...
I really think that I should say something inspiring, meaningful, definitive, provocative, stimulating...
Or I could just have a drink...
Or I could just have a drink...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
What's Someone Like Me...
Midnight falls on the snow-lit trees
And as I stand inside I know that I
Can't watch life through a window
My indecision is blocking the door
It's like a religion
That I never ask for more
I might stumble and fall
What's someone like me,
Doing in a life like this?
Slipping back into the past
Sun comes up and streams
Through the blinds
And as I throw my clothes on
Do my hair wrong,
Stare into my mirror
Telling myself that everyone falls
Take the first step
That's the trick of it all
Bounce back like a ball
What's someone like me
Doing in a life like this ?...
- Cyndi Lauper
And as I stand inside I know that I
Can't watch life through a window
My indecision is blocking the door
It's like a religion
That I never ask for more
I might stumble and fall
What's someone like me,
Doing in a life like this?
Slipping back into the past
Sun comes up and streams
Through the blinds
And as I throw my clothes on
Do my hair wrong,
Stare into my mirror
Telling myself that everyone falls
Take the first step
That's the trick of it all
Bounce back like a ball
What's someone like me
Doing in a life like this ?...
- Cyndi Lauper
Friday, February 16, 2007
What the fuck???? (Pt 1)
OK, so I don't usually post comment on current affairs etc... but this had me in fits of laughter....
In 'The Age' newspaper (online version) today, within the Anna Nicole section, is a link to a photo gallery...
GALLERY : Scenes from a hotel room
It is a collection of photos of a hotel room. Not so funny, until you start going through them. First pic is of a roll of toilet paper. Caption : "A roll of toilet paper similar to that used in the hotel room of Anna Nicole Smith when she collapsed and later died."
Second pic is of a cabinet top with hotel toiletries on it. Caption : "Toiletries in a bathroom in a suite similar to the one used by Anna Nicole Smith when she collapsed. It is unclear at this stage what happened to the original toiletries."
It goes on....
You just have to check it out here... I mean, What the Fuck????
In 'The Age' newspaper (online version) today, within the Anna Nicole section, is a link to a photo gallery...
GALLERY : Scenes from a hotel room
It is a collection of photos of a hotel room. Not so funny, until you start going through them. First pic is of a roll of toilet paper. Caption : "A roll of toilet paper similar to that used in the hotel room of Anna Nicole Smith when she collapsed and later died."
Second pic is of a cabinet top with hotel toiletries on it. Caption : "Toiletries in a bathroom in a suite similar to the one used by Anna Nicole Smith when she collapsed. It is unclear at this stage what happened to the original toiletries."
It goes on....
You just have to check it out here... I mean, What the Fuck????
Recovery can be funny...
So I finally got over my weekend. Ecky Tuesday was actually a Wednesday thing. I was feeling seriously flat and emotional. Actually in hind-sight, it was fucking hilarious. I cried watching the Simpsons. I cried watching Friends. I can't actually recall what was happening on the shows at the time, but whatever it was made me cry. God I love 'the days after'... if the drugs aren't a total mind fuck on their own, the days following are enough to make you want to do it again. :op It's kinda like after you have been to the dentist, and your face is numb from anesthetic, and you play with your lip, flicking it, and it's funny cos you can't feel it... it makes you laugh. As an adult, you don't actually laugh out loud about something like that... you laugh on the inside for fear of being labeled a weirdo. Anyway, I digress... You laugh because its funny to find some odd effect to something usually quite normal...
Is any of this making sense? I'm reading back on it, and it confused the fuck out of me... Well, maybe you'll understand... and maybe you won't.
Is any of this making sense? I'm reading back on it, and it confused the fuck out of me... Well, maybe you'll understand... and maybe you won't.