Monday, July 30, 2007


Friday night went to the Christina concert with Shellie & Joe! Yay! Lucky enough to not have tickets for Saturday or Monday...

Concert was great. It was fun, plenty to see, but was missing something. It was probably that she was sick and didn't really have the energy, who knows. Don't get me wrong, considering she had a fever, was coughing, and 4 months pregnant, I think she did a bloody awesome job...

Didn't really get many decent pics, but thought I would post what I had for those who didnt make it... (You had your chance mister! You know who you are...)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

1 down...

It's been 12 months since I started Blogging. I never thought I could keep this up for so long, but here I am. Of course it isn't always interesting, it isn't always funny - well, rarely either... I guess it was meant to be. It is just a place for me to dump my thoughts, and let my friends know what I have been up to. The fact that I have managed to continue for a year is pretty good going.

The reason I started blogging in the first place was also 12 months ago on July 24.
So is this an opportunity to look back on the last year? I think not.

It's all looking forward from here on in.

Happy anniversary people...


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Don't you know...

If you see me walking down the street
And I start to cry each time we meet
Walk on by, walk on by

Make believe
that you don't see the tears
Just let me grieve
in private 'cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
And walk on by....

I just can't get over losing you
And so if I seem broken and blue
Walk on by, walk on by

Foolish pride

Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by
and walk on by
and walk by....

Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by....
and walk on by....
and walk by....

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another jug of Stella thanks...

Mum, Russ, Ange & Vickie came in to visit me yesterday. We all went to ETs on High Street. Parma & Beer... mmmm... 5 of us, 4 were drinking... I lost count at the 7th jug of Stella Artois.

It was a shocking sight... loud, dirty, rough... typical family gathering. Thank god the fighting started AFTER they all left and were on their way home :o)

No more Paris

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Best night in...

My biggest little sister Vickie was down this weekend. Friday night Vickie, Ange & I had a slumber party... we all bought cheap, highly flammable blue flannelette pyjamas from Coles (mine had mickey mouse on them, V's & A's had clouds...), junk food, wine & DVDs...

I don't know why the pic is sideways!!!

We dragged mattresses, doonas and pillows into the living room and spent the night playing boardgames, eating junk food, drinking wine, watching movies, talking, laughing, it was fucking hilarious. We realised that we had never actually hung out like that before - ever.

Definitely the best night in for a long time.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

mac me all over....

I know Andy will be appalled... but I finally did the big switch. I bought an iMac. What can I say... it's fucking hot. 20", white, sexy... The mac, not me...

JD is down from Sydney this weekend. Went out Friday night to the Xchange. Had a great time, moderately trashed, but still containable. JDs friend Andrew was hilarious - he was so giggly and drunk... what was funny though, was when I found out he had only drunk about a third of 1 Black Smirnoff to get in that condition... talk about 1 pot screamer. Ha ha ha.

Saturday was spent out searching for a bedroom suite. I decided a long time ago that I needed to get a new bedroom suite - since the one I have now is ugly as sin. Well it's not THAT bad, but now I have my mac, I needed to upgrade it's surroundings.
So found a really hot one (of course) and getting delivered tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me... RDO tomorrow! Yay! Never had those before this job... so it's weird getting odd days off without having to feign a flu and ring in sick. :o)

Driving back from shopping, we stopped at the lights on Toorak Rd - just inside a driveway next to us were two little kids, about 10yrs old, selling lemonade. They had the table and a little sign and their mum had an apron on and was bringing the cups and things out...

It was just too cute. You never see that these days. Why...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

It's good to be back...

This past week was end of financial year. It's when we work frantically to sort problems and queries with our clients to ensure the financial reporting for the past year is complete and accurate etc etc. Traditionally the toughest week on our calendar. Strangely, it was one of the easiest in recent memory. Not quite sure why it was, but buggered if I am gonna complain!

Friday about 4, we cracked open our usual slab of Carton Draught and sat at our desks gas-bagging about the week. Everyone was heading out to a farewell drinks at Blue Diamond, but I had a busy night ahead of me. So I took off at 5pm sharp.

Met up with my my brother Jack & his fiance Amy, and my adorable niece Ava Grace.

Just a quick coffee and a chat. They had the trip back to Geelong to get through, and Ava was tired and cranky and grizzly :o).
I had a 'date' at 7pm anyway... The past 2 months since living in Prahran, I have seen this guy around that I recognised from somewhere - the day I was going to the footy, he was on my tram, and when I got home that night, I looked through my Fridae list and found him. Now I know who he is!

So we have been messaging the past few weeks, determined to actually meet up and say hi instead of walking past each other with that "I know you, but where the hell from" look....

So we caught up at Bogarts at Jam Factory, had a couple of glasses of wine and chatted for an hour or so. He was nice, but he spent a lot of the time we were chatting glancing up at the TV, or messaging friends. To me, that's pretty rude, even though it wasn't officially a date, just a catch up, it's still nice to actually have the attention of your conversation partner. Anyways, we went and saw Transformers (yes 2nd time for me). After the movie, he had to go home as he was working at 8am. Said our byes and that was that. So was walking home in the freezing cold, again probably about 4 or 5 degrees. Called Dom, he was at Kitten Klub in Little Collins ST. Grabbed a cab and headed there. Dom was already very drunk - it doesn't take him my to get to that point anyway. :o)

After Kitten Klub, we went to The Peel on Wellington St, Collingwood. Best night out I have had in months. Met a few people, danced, drank a bit, didn't even get trashed (suprising, right?). Just had a really great night out. Spent most of the night hanging out with a guy (we shall call M)... Crawled home at 1pm Saturday...

It's good to be back...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yet another backdated roundup... (Part 2)

Ange cam in Saturday (30/06) to hang out. We went and saw Transformers. Wow! Easily my new best and favourite movie of all time! Well, at least until the next best and favourite comes along, but for now, this is it! Awesome movie... Funny, CG robots are almost alive, they are amazing.

Home, had dinner and just hung out, Ange crashed early... all part and parcel for being... pregnant. Yes...

Ange is due early January - and the father is her much abhorred ex boyfriend, Craig. Suffice to say, we are all in shock. Not just because she is pregnant (that of course is part of it but certainly not all of it), but because who the father is. As my mum said "Anyone, just some one other than him..."

Good thing is, she has us all down here , so support network is good - and plus I get to be a doting uncle again, and spoil the baby rotten. I haven't had a chance to do that with Ava Grace, since they live in Geelong and its just the rare visit when they come in to see mum, or something like that. At least Ange's baby will be just 20 minutes away. :o)