Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm Speechless...

This video was released by a "Christian" group protesting the UK's new anti-discrimination laws which will require homosexuality to be included in sex education classes across the UK. The law (Sexual Orientation Regulation) has already been passed by parliament (310 to 100), and is being voted on in the Upper House today.

I mean honestly... are people really stupid enough to believe that this is how it will be? It really is sad what lengths people will go to in their attempts to spread hatred. Christians... hah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it films like that that just go to prove how bigotted and narrow minded they really are. as if you would teach children about experimenting with each others bodies and talk sbout group sex. there are plenty of straight people who engage in group sex but we don't teach our kids about it in schools. FOR GODS SAKE. so much for true christian values of acceptance love and kindness of fellow man. maybe they need to get a bit of buddhism into the class rooms and churches and board rooms and teach these narrow minded idiots a thing or 2 about real acceptance and love of fellow man