Sunday, July 15, 2007

mac me all over....

I know Andy will be appalled... but I finally did the big switch. I bought an iMac. What can I say... it's fucking hot. 20", white, sexy... The mac, not me...

JD is down from Sydney this weekend. Went out Friday night to the Xchange. Had a great time, moderately trashed, but still containable. JDs friend Andrew was hilarious - he was so giggly and drunk... what was funny though, was when I found out he had only drunk about a third of 1 Black Smirnoff to get in that condition... talk about 1 pot screamer. Ha ha ha.

Saturday was spent out searching for a bedroom suite. I decided a long time ago that I needed to get a new bedroom suite - since the one I have now is ugly as sin. Well it's not THAT bad, but now I have my mac, I needed to upgrade it's surroundings.
So found a really hot one (of course) and getting delivered tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me... RDO tomorrow! Yay! Never had those before this job... so it's weird getting odd days off without having to feign a flu and ring in sick. :o)

Driving back from shopping, we stopped at the lights on Toorak Rd - just inside a driveway next to us were two little kids, about 10yrs old, selling lemonade. They had the table and a little sign and their mum had an apron on and was bringing the cups and things out...

It was just too cute. You never see that these days. Why...


JohnBoy said...

Welcome to the Mac world!

Calm Inside The Storm said...

Yay! Except I think I need a tutor, so much to learn after 20 years on a Windows PC... But Johnny, you are too far away, so that leaves.... Dean Christopher... So how about it, huh? :o)

Anonymous said...

your asking Dean to be your tutor!!

Andy said...

iMac? its ok, you can get a cream for that....

macs are all about getting from a to b. PC's are all about driving.

tho i do agree - they look good.