Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Going through the motions...

My last post (Woof...) was done in the middle of the most weird arse drunken episode...

Let me explain.

Sunday - I was supposed to go to a work 'family day' at Melbourne Zoo, Parkville. I woke up, and it was cold and raining... bugger that...

Mum and Russ were going to the footy, so it was gonna be an empty house from lunchtime... to fill in the time headed out to Northlands with my sis for some perving and shopping. Nothing to report out there... as expected.

Home at 3, nice and quiet... what to do, what to do... broke out the bottle of organic vodka (thanks craig!)I got for my birthday (which I will add, most people forgot)...

Pumped up the stereo, and danced around the house.

Somehow I managed to polish off the whole bottle, leaving myself in a pretty ridiculous mess...

Whenever I am drunk, I end up going over the past 12 months - what I did, who I hurt, etc etc. Although I have dealt with it now, it still creeps out every now and then. I am sure everyone has been there, done that.

So the last blog entry was me going through the motions...


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