Friday, February 16, 2007

Recovery can be funny...

So I finally got over my weekend. Ecky Tuesday was actually a Wednesday thing. I was feeling seriously flat and emotional. Actually in hind-sight, it was fucking hilarious. I cried watching the Simpsons. I cried watching Friends. I can't actually recall what was happening on the shows at the time, but whatever it was made me cry. God I love 'the days after'... if the drugs aren't a total mind fuck on their own, the days following are enough to make you want to do it again. :op It's kinda like after you have been to the dentist, and your face is numb from anesthetic, and you play with your lip, flicking it, and it's funny cos you can't feel it... it makes you laugh. As an adult, you don't actually laugh out loud about something like that... you laugh on the inside for fear of being labeled a weirdo. Anyway, I digress... You laugh because its funny to find some odd effect to something usually quite normal...

Is any of this making sense? I'm reading back on it, and it confused the fuck out of me... Well, maybe you'll understand... and maybe you won't.

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