Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's just not in my genetic makeup...

Today was supposed to be a fabulously social day for me - Meeting a friend for coffee on Lygon Street at 3. Then at 5, it was off to Bimbo's on Brunswick St for a promised catch up with Jane (the Kiwi chick from Opium Den last week).

So, spent the morning checking out apartments on Domain and share places on Let-it-out... a quick workout, got ready... including mental preparation for the long and horrid trip to the city :

Walk to bus stop (15 minutes)
Bus to Lalor (10 minutes)
Walk to Lalor Train Station (5 minutes)
Train to Merri Station (20 minutes)
Walk to Tram Stop (5 minutes)
Tram to Brunswick Street (40 minutes)

All up, an hour and a bloody half...

So got to the bus stop, shit, just missed it. Walked back home to check next bus.
Next bus - no connecting train.
Next bus with connecting train - 3.10pm. Fuck, fuck, fuck - called to reschedule coffee in Lygon St. At least I will still get in for Bimbo's.

2.50pm - walked back to bus stop.
Bus comes, get on, buy Day ticket Zone 1+2 : 9.70... Sit down, relax, yay, I'm on my way!
OK, so the website says 10 minutes to Lalor Station - it's been over 15 minutes, damn I am gonna miss my connecting train... So I ask the woman in front of me "Do you know how much further to Lalor Station?" To which she giggles momentarily, then with an instant straight face like the Botox fairy had just popped up and jabbed her "Honey... you're going the wrong way..."



Got off the next stop mumbling to myself "fuck this fucking hell hole, no fucking signs, how is anyone supposed to, blah, blah, blah, mumble, mumble, mumble, fuck, fuck, fuck" Possibly looked like one of those crazy homeless dudes I used to see on the trains and in the parks in Sydney, talking to themselves and arguing with their imaginary friend...

So crossed over, got another bus home. Damned if I was going to try and head into the city now.

I mean really... What am I doing out here.... It's obviously not in my genetic makeup to be suburban... someone please get me out of this hell...

Have a couple of places to check out tomorrow, so fingers crossed!

Oh, it's Deans birthday today... I sent him an SMS... I wasn't sure whether I should have called, or gone in to see him, or what... but the SMS seemed to be the best option since a phone call would be awkward, and seeing him in person would reduce me to a tragic mess, thus even more awkward. Well, at least he replied...


Anonymous said...

you remembered deans birthday and you haven't even known him a year :(

Calm Inside The Storm said...

guessing this is craig... i'm sorry i forgot your birthday this weekend... i remember deans, cos he tormented me for a month cos i kept forgetting which day it was... the boy drummed it into me... i promise i wont forget next year... xxx