Saturday, December 16, 2006

Farewell Sydney....

So Friday night was my farewell drinks. I didn't organise anything special... just a handful of friends, a few drinks, sad hugs and byes at the end... Much nicer than organising a huge group of people... most of which I probably wasn't that bothered if they came or not.. so better to make it small and sweet. :o)

Drinks were done in two parts...

First up was from 5.30pm at VBar, cnr Liverpool and Pitt Sts Sydney. This one was for old work mates - easier to catch them straight after work on a Friday than convincing them to head up to a bar later in the night... So I met up with Crist, Dave, Nick (Philomena's BF - Phil couldn't make it since she was at a Hen's night in the mountains...) and Grant & his BF.

So hung out there chatting and giggling and carrying on. This wog guy and his girlfriend come in and sit on a couch right behind us, and whoa.... the guy has the BIGGEST lunch on him.... he obviously knows it and likes the attention cos of the way he sat - half slouched legs wide apart, one hand resting to the side, kind of directing peoples eyes... so we proceeded to ogle for a while, all the time making lewd comments, giggling, and discussing in depth as to whether it was all, ummm, well... as they say in There's Something About Mary "Franks or Beans", or a bit of both... (we decided that you can tell based on the shape as to which part is which)....
All this was done to the total disgust of Crist and Grant.

So anyway, the couple disappeared, so it was back to general chit chat again. 8pm came, and it was time for me to head up to Slide on Oxford Street, which was where part two of my farewell evening was to take place.

Roll Call : Andy & Drew, Penny, Dove, Pauly & his BF Alan, Sarah, Bazz & Tony, Johnny, Alan, Kamon & friend (Can't remember his name! He was lovely though...) , god... there were a few others, but buggered if I can remember. Apologies to those... but when I recall, I promise I will update it here!

I had already downed at least 5 beers at VBar, so arriving at Slide, I was already well and truly lubricated.

Friends arrived at different times throughout the night, drinks kept coming, the mood was fantastic, the bar was amazing, and the people were simply gorgeous.

Part way through the night, they had a male pole dancer doin' his thang - which was hot. The pics don't do him justice - but trust me - it was hot...

As people started heading home, a lot of time was spent in the foyer saying goodbyes... sad, teary, a little depressing... but shit, I was so trashed I forgot who had just left, and was ready for the next drink!

I inadvertently pissed Pauly off, cos his BF got stuck outside - can't really remember how the whole routine went, but basically his BF wasn't allowed back in cos he had too much to drink... I was trashed and wasn't planning on moving the whole group to another bar - so Pauly left....

At some stage, I think I just wandered off.. typical of me... once I get really trashed I tend to forget where I am, where I am going, and who I was with... so ended up at the Shift. Trashy place... so hung out there dancing like a crazy man for a few hours. Dove was there, Alan I think was too, Johnny might have been. The whole thing was a blur....

As spontaneously as I had arrived, I was off again. I think I was dancing, and just turned and walked out the door. Wandered around for an hour, trying to work out how to get home. Ended up walking as far as Pyrmont trying to get a goddamn cab - none... luckily someone was just getting home in a cab outside an apartment block just under Anzac Bridge, so my final leg to Rozelle was in comfort.

Crawled inside about 3.30, passed out. I was leaving for Melbourne in 15 hours....

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