Monday, December 18, 2006

Hello Melbourne!!!

OK, so I recovered fairly well on Saturday... actually, thats crap... I didn't. I dragged myself out of bed at 11 - greeted Tony with a "HMMPH" - I think that roughly translated into "Oh my God, I think I'm dying..." So had a black coffee... now I'm 30% human. Talked a bit over a second black coffee... 60% human. Shower... 80%... getting there...

Packed and out of the house at 3 - off to Marios BBQ at Surry Hills. First off though, a quick stop to say bye to Craig. The man doesn't like goodbye's... and you could see it. "Well, OK (said with a slight step backwards away from me), bye!..." I knew what he meant... the big teddy bear doesn't like to show emotion in public... sweet ;o)

OK... my last stop before hopping my flight to Melbourne. Mario's BBQ. Still feeling only 85% human, I stayed clear of the beer, and stuck to coke and snags... mmm, grease... Ran into a very old friend, Chris, who was part of the whole Barry / Mario / Brad / Peter / Chris group many years ago. Great to see him. Lots of catching up... good thing was, both of us were horrendously hung over, so there was no pressure to keep conversation... just lots of eye rolling, sighs, moans, interspersed with occasional catch up bits.
Enjoyed the BBQ entertainment... Baz decided to set the gas BBQ alight... I think he was pouring oil on some steaks, and it ran underneath to the drip tray - which then caught alight with plumes of billowing black smoke... we were all preying for firemen.....

Met a fabulous chick named Catherine, who is a singer from Melbourne. She has been living in Sydney for a couple of years and heading back to Melbourne at the end of January. She was great - so we have decided to keep in touch, and she will be dragging me out into the live music scene when she gets here. God knows, I need some friends in Melbourne!
Hey... Not that Chalks, Imma, Pauline etc are not friends... they are great. But since they are primarily Dean's friends, I really need to find some of my own! Can't expect Dean and Co to have me tagging along everywhere for all eternity... :o)

So after the BBQ, Tony and Baz took me to the airport. Seemed to be a similar thing to Craig: "OK Mate, see ya soon." Gone... hahah where do I find em, huh??

My last look around at Sydney before I entered the Terminal. Cabbie arguing with a passenger - the international tourist actually spoke better english than the cabbie did... Westie scrag swawking at her three equally unattractive children, with mullet topped tattooed megadeth tshirt wearing wanker husband behind dragging the luggage - obviously not the kids father, well, maybe one of them - the kid with the matching mullet and tattoos.

Ah Sydney... how I will miss you...

So check in time : Since I was travelling on Dean's ticket (tsk, tsk, tsk - I believe that is now a federal offence, something to do with terrorism - personally, I think the mullet-topped westies were more guilty of causing terror than I ever could...) So checked in, no problems, boarding pass in hand. Security... 'Bag Check!" Shit, I forgot I had WMD's in my hand luggage. Well, more like my anti perspirant can... So I had to open my bag... Now, since I couldn't check luggage in due to the Dean's ticket routine, I could only take carry on. This meant squashing 3 suitcases of clothes, toiletries, shoes and other odds and ends into a single carry on sized bag. B-U-S-T-I-N-G A-T T-H-E S-E-A-M-S...

So unzipped the bag and, SCHLA-WING!!!! (True, thats exactly how it sounded...) The bag flew open and shoes, tshirts, and underwear fell all over the place. Worst part was, well two things : 1. It was Saturday afternoon... peak period for trips to Melbourne... and 2. I had to show the man my anti-perspirant can BEFORE I could pick up my tighty-bloody-whiteys!

So after a few minutes of red-faced, huffing, puffing, squishing stuff back into the bag... I was on my way again.

The arrival : Coming off the plane, walked into the terminal looking for Dean. There he was... huge grin, looking as sexy as ever... Big hug and kiss...

I was here.


Anonymous said...

i dont know that im very good at showing my emotions in private either


Calm Inside The Storm said...

Well, that's true... but I always know it when it happens (or doesn't for that matter!) Oh, and don't be afraid to put your name to your comment! :op