Monday, March 19, 2007

What smells like fish and rhymes with 'Punt'...

Caught up with Woz on Saturday.

Hadn't seen him in a few weeks... picked me up at Flinders Street Station and we went to Port Melbourne for fish & chips at Rex Hunt's D'lish Fish. It was nice... and odd. The place, not Woz :o) It was odd because it looked like a fish & chip shop, smelled like a fish & chip shop - but had something of a McDonald's feel about it. Lots of molded plastic, sterile, even the newspaper to wrap the meals was like a faux-newspaper with Rex Hunt stuff all over it. Mind you, the food was pretty good - and she gave us one bonus calamari ring... ha ha ha... yeah... :o) So we sat outside in the sun (and icy breeze!), fed the seagulls, and watched a fighter jet doing funky maneuvers over Albert Park - entertainment for the Grand Prix crowd, no doubt.

After lunch and a trip to Chapel Street to buy Woz' beefin-up protein shake ingredients, I jumped on the train and headed home.

On the way, I find out my mum is out for the day/evening with friends, and my sister is having people over for a BBQ. Hmmm... choices... Do I go home, hang out alone, drink and sit online all night? Or do I at least make the effort to do something social. Well cos it's my sis, I say OK.

BBQ was with Ange (sis), her BF Craig, Jeremy (tall sexy country boy visiting Ange), and a few others. I ended up crashing about midnight, in front of the TV watching Ice Age. Everyone else stayed up playing poker until 3am. I again slept on the couch, a small two seater, which i am getting good at sleeping on... only takes two sessions at a chiropractor to put my back right.

9am and I have to find a way to get home. Call mum - they got home at 2.30am, she is horribly hung over, and still in bed... lift to the train station with Craig. OK, thats step one. I can get a bus home from the station. Great. Sit at the bus stop, 9.30... 10.00... 10.15... no bus... old man walks past and says "Buses run more frequently from Epping. Get the train to Epping and catch it from there." So me gets on the train to Epping (just one stop), flirts briefly with a moderately cute blondie who is struggling to get home, just like me... looks like he is still off his nut, so best be leaving that one alone.

Sitting at the bus stop at Epping... 10.30... 11.00... 11.30... fuck! Where the fuck are the goddamn buses! It has taken me 2 1/2 hours and I am still no closer to home! All I want is to get home, have a shower and crash on the couch....

Call mum again - this time she can come and get me...
Did it even occur to anyone that it's been over 2 hours and I still wasn't home???

You know, I was thinking... I am always saying how I am not getting in much social activity being trapped out here... but I always seem to be blogging about social activities... maybe it isn't as bad as I make it out to be...
Nah, it is... one social activity a week, and even then it is always marred with public transport fiascos... :o) City living here I come!


Andy said...

you need a $500 datsun..... trust me on that... would make all the difference in the world...then when you move to the city you can dump it or give it away....
Or you can can keep doing 5 hour trips to the city.... actually theres an idea... take up being a crazy person on public transport. would certainly fill the hours. You could walk up to people, blink at them rapidly, ask them to sniff your fingers in a very loud voice, and when they dont acuse them of being an alien, and insist everyone around run for their lives!

Calm Inside The Storm said...

what do you mean "take up being a crazy person"? i have plunged into that realm already... 3 months in hell's corner has done it...

hey andy, smell my finger...

Andy said...

i already did. "smelt like teen spirit." oh and the other smelt like old vegemite.

Calm Inside The Storm said...

hmm, not sure about old vegemite... but certainly teen spirit :o)