Friday, February 02, 2007

Would you like rice with that?

Firstly, my sincerest apologies for the banality of this post... it is just a catch up on the past few days. Nothing really blog worthy, but don't like to leave too big a gap between... :o)

Wednesday, my friend Jerry from Sydney appeared in Melbourne. I say 'appeared', because he only told me on Tuesday night that he would be down the next day. Not very convenient, I must say... I had plans! I had "to do's"! I had dates!

So Wednesday morning I trained it to the city... Jerry wasn't in until 3pm, but since I have no way of getting to the station after everyone goes to work.. it was either 8am or never! So once in the city, wandered around, had some breakfast, filled in a few hours with a movie. Saw Deja Vu (Denzel Washington & Val Kilmer) Really great movie... I thought I would get confused, since I did during the trailer...

After the movie, got an invite to lunch with Woz and Dom - so filled in an hour with them. Dom is moving to Japan in two weeks... just getting to know him too. Bugger.

3pm came around, and Jerry called from his room. I took him for a whirlwind tour around the streets, and included a quick zoom through Southbank & the casino, and finished with a bite at Don Don on Swanston St. Great simple Japanese food - fast, easy and cheap as.

Wednesday is Gaysian night at The Opium Den... The place is trash-tastic... dark, dingy, full of lecherous old men chasing young asian boys. Thought it would be good for Jerry to see what a bad gay bar is like. I shouldn't say it's bad... it is a fun bar - but in the whole scheme of gay bars in Melbourne, definitely at the trashier end...

So hung out there for a few hours, lots of cute boys, lots of attention - loved it. Ran into Kai (the gayboy formerly known as Mihn)- he was very trashed and very touchy-feely. He's a cutey, but unfortunately he was very touchy-feely with every man in the bar... mhmm...

The show was amazing. It was a few numbers from Dreamgirls - and first thing I thought of was Dean. He is obsessed with that movie. So anyway, show was great. People were great. Beer was free... and by the jug! (Thanks Kai, xxx) Met a great chick named Jane the Kiwi - got on like a house on fire.

Dragger her, Monkey and Jerry to The Peel - always the natural progression from The Den. Danced the rest of the night away. Said farewells, with a promise of a boozer at Bimbo's on Monday night...

Had told Jerry I would continue the whirlwind tour with him on Thursday. So, crawling out from under my hangover, still wearing the clothes from the whole day out on Wednesday and Wednesday night, eeuuww... So took the free City Circle tram around, got off at Parliament and wandered through Fitzroy Gardens, crashing on the grass and chilling for an hour. End of day two with no sleep... trained it home, tired, sick, hot, dirty, smelly... crashed - out cold.

Good times...

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